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Costanza Meli Articles.
Art - Arts
Une histoire - Entretien avec Christine Macel, Conservatrice en chef chez Centre Pompidou

Une histoire, Art, architecture et design des années 1980 à nos jours est l'exposition en cours au Centre Pompidou, sous la direction de Christine Macel. Une nouvelle présentation des collections contemporaines du Musée national d'art >>>

in Art - Arts by Costanza Meli on 16/03/2015 - Comments (1)

Art - Art Knowledges
Interview with Boris Groys

Boris Groys is a key contemporary German thinker and writer, his reflections on contemporary art developed in some important essays like Art Power (2008); Going Public (2010); Introduction to Antiphilosophy and >>>

Art - Art Places
FRAC et bulles. Le musée aujourd'hui, entre l'art et le champagne

Reims, France. Une citoyenne, connaisseuse et amateur d'art, envoie une lettre de désapprobation au Ministère de la Culture français et à la direction du FRAC Champagne-Ardenne. Dans cette lettre on y trouve l’indignation d’une personne >>>

in Art - Art Places by Costanza Meli on 15/07/2014 - Comments (0)

Theatre - Theatre Artists & Authors
Tindaro Granata

Tindaro Granata, jeune artiste d'origine sicilienne, vit actuellement à Milan. Après avoir gravi les échelons pendant 15 ans, il a enfin réalisé ses rêves.

Theatre - Theatre Reviews
Crisalide 2013

Torniamo ancora una volta nell'antro di Crisalide, ancora una volta ne usciamo diversi; non riusciamo ad abituarci a nulla di ciò che viviamo lì dentro, poiché dal tessuto buio che compone quest'antro fino all'ultima molecola di spazio e di >>>

Art - Arts
Charlotte Bank & Delphine Leccas

Recently involved in curating the Mediterranea 16 Biennial in Ancona (Italy) and currently engaged in preparations for the Visual Arts Festival Damascus (Siria), the historians of art and curators Charlotte Bank and Delphine >>>

in Art - Arts by Costanza Meli on 22/07/2013 - Comments (1)

Art - Art Reviews
Venezia 2013. Una Biennale, tante domande

Ho intitolato questa riflessione Venezia 2013 poiché è di un luogo e di un tempo che intendo parlare, non di un singolo evento, né di una mostra soltanto. Un luogo e un tempo precisi, solcati dall’esperienza della visione, dell’ascolto, della >>>

in Art - Art Reviews by Costanza Meli on 22/07/2013 - Comments (0)

Art - Art Places
Komplot, curatorial collective and art space based in Brussels - Interview with Sonia Dermience

In SuccoAcido’s years-long quest in search for - independent, non-profit, interdisciplinary - Art Places, Komplot in Brussels stands out as a very interesting model of collective management. One of its most defining elements is mentioned in the >>>

in Art - Art Places by Costanza Meli on 28/03/2013 - Comments (1)

Art - Arts
Elena Cologni - Visual artist and researcher, active in interdisciplinary and participatory practices.

By choosing to live in England, Elena Cologni has tranformed her condition as foreigner into a transitory site for critical thinking and making. This being not only a starting point, but also a tool for redefining her own identity. Her art >>>

in Art - Arts by Costanza Meli on 26/03/2013 - Comments (0)

Art - Arts
Isabella Bordoni, Interprète de la relation entre l'écriture, le corps et le paysage.

Le projet: REFUGEE. Stati d'esilio|Epifanie [2011- 2014]. S'il est possible et juste de resumer un projet que l'on ne connaît qu'en partie et dont l'autre partie est in fieri, je dirais que Refugee est né de l'urgence d'habiter le seuil >>>

in Art - Arts by Costanza Meli on 26/03/2013 - Comments (0)

Art - Art Places
Connecting Cultures. Agenzia di ricerca non profit per l’arte contemporanea - 
Focus sul progetto Milano e oltre.

Un modello di progettazione indipendente ma integrata nel contesto istituzionale; un progetto basato sulla ricerca e sull’approccio multidisciplinare al tema del paesaggio e del territorio visti in chiave culturale e artistica; una proposta di >>>

in Art - Art Places by Costanza Meli on 07/12/2012 - Comments (0)

Art - Art Knowledges
Interview with Anna Detheridge: visual arts theorist, critic, President of the cultural association Connecting Cultures

Our interview with Anna Detheridge has a double value: not only it is an in-depth examination of the themes we touched upon in our focus on "Milano e Oltre" - a project created and developed by the Connecting Cultures group, which Anna herself >>>

Art - Environments
Cuore di pietra - A Public Art project for Pianoro - Interview with Mili Romano

Our focus on Cuore di Pietra falls in line with a strong interest we have in those italian projects born locally and representing the most diverse aspects of their territory in a site specific approach. The work of Mili Romano, artist and >>>

in Art - Environments by Costanza Meli on 07/12/2012 - Comments (0)

Art - Art Places
Open Systems - a non profit art project based in Vienna

The following interview is the result and synthesis of an exchange – started in 2009 – between Succoacido and Gulsen Bal, curator and contemporary art theorist and also founder of the non-profit Open Space in Vienna. The Open Space project was >>>

in Art - Art Places by Costanza Meli on 04/09/2012 - Comments (0)

Art - Art Web-Gallery
Giuliano Pastori

Painting - mixed media - installation.

Art - Environments
Los mapas como interpretaciones críticas de la ciudad. Entrevista a Rogelio López Cuenca

En este artículo vamos a observar el ejemplo de acercamiento al espacio público desarrollado por un artista, Rogelio López Cuenca, que desde hace muchos años lleva a cabo un estudio histórico-antropológico sobre el tema de ciudad. Por lo tanto, >>>

in Art - Environments by Costanza Meli on 02/05/2012 - Comments (0)

Art - Art Places
The small Museum of Migrations in Lampedusa

The Museum of Migrations could be a first piece to lead Lampedusa’s development along a purposeful path, instead of leaving it to randomness: it could be an example to the whole world, seeing integration as an inevitable, but nonetheless rightful >>>

in Art - Art Places by Costanza Meli on 08/03/2012 - Comments (0)

Art - Art Places
Castelbuono: museo, arte e intercultura.

Un esempio tra i pochi, nel sud Italia, di una politica museale volta allo sviluppo integrato della ricerca storica e della cultura attuale, con un’attenzione spiccata per i processi socio-politici che connettono la dimensione locale del >>>

in Art - Art Places by Costanza Meli on 02/01/2012 - Comments (0)

Writing - Scomunicazione
Una Repubblica personale: Silvio Berlusconi a Lampedusa

Berlusconi ha fatto due discorsi: uno dai contenuti istituzionali, ma dal tono personale; l’altro dai contenuti personali, ma dal tono istituzionale. Interessi e soldi. Sì, è questo il contenuto del secondo "discorso nel >>>

Art - Arts
Emilia Badalà - Grammophon

"Grammophon" ist eine multimediale Installation in der die Lehre der Zeichendeutung der sogenannte semantische Charakter stark ausgeprägt ist: In einem Körper existieren zur selben Zeit verschiedene Organe, zusammengesetzt aus der subtilen >>>

in Art - Arts by Costanza Meli on 29/01/2011 - Comments (0)

Writing - Bibliography
Appunti per un leader politico - Bibliografia dedicata ad una società in crisi e ai suoi governanti.

Lo scambio dei beni e delle donne, da Claude Lévi-Strauss, Le strutture elementari della parentela, e Antropologia Strutturale, riduzione di SuccoAcido magazine.

In questa sezione >>>

Art - Environments
Marinella Senatore e Zafos Xagoraris - ETICO_F

Le riflessioni di Marinella Senatore e Zafos Xagoraris rappresentano il punto di vista di due degli artisti coinvolti nel progetto ETICO_F, cinque movimenti sul paesaggio, a cura di Daniela Bigi per il Museo Riso di Palermo, che abbiamo recensito >>>

in Art - Environments by Costanza Meli on 10/10/2010 - Comments (0)

Art - Environments
ETICO_F Cinque movimenti sul paesaggio

"Museo diffuso", "arte contemporanea nel territorio", "paesaggio" e "interpretazione". Queste sono alcune delle espressioni più ricorrenti nelle diverse presentazioni per la stampa organizzate presso i Comuni di Capo d’Orlando, Ficarra, Enna e >>>

in Art - Environments by Costanza Meli on 03/08/2010 - Comments (0)

Art - Art Fairs & Festivals
Katarina Zdjelar - The Serbian Pavillon at 53 Venice Biennial 2009

The interview of a young and very appreciated artist, who at international level has tested her sensitivity for current issues such as interculturality, translation, crossing of artistic and cultural languages - Having great interest in >>>

Art - Arts
Rosaria Iazzetta – Représentations visuelles de la Camorra

Le 14 octobre 2009, les artistes Rosaria Iazetta et Iolanda Napolitano ont présenté à travers différents média la relation entre la représentation donnée par la pop culture sur la Camorra et la vie quotidienne à Naples et la région de la >>>

in Art - Arts by Costanza Meli on 21/01/2010 - Comments (0)

Writing - About Writing
Libertà come bene supremo. Isabella Bordoni

Isabella Bordoni is the woman behind the project “Libertà Come Bene Supremo” (“Freedom as the Supreme Good”): a three-days event revolving around some of the main themes in poetry and philosophy from the 20th century. We embraced this project >>>

Art - Art Places
Niu - espai artístic @ Barcelona

Girem la mirada cap a un espai cultural independent a Europa. La nostra investigació es dirigeix ara cap a l'espai polivalent Niu, a Barcelona. Mitjançant una entrevista amb el director Sergi Bueno Navarro, aquest ens explica com fer un art >>>

in Art - Art Places by Costanza Meli on 14/10/2009 - Comments (0)

Art - Art Places
Eventoarea - espacio non profit por el arte contemporáneo en Calabria - Entrevista a Loriana Ambusto

"La idea que la cultura forma parte integrante de los derechos de los ciudadanos es muy lejos de ser un hecho real: ni siquiera los ciudadanos mismos tienen una clara percepción de sus necesidades culturales y, por eso, las instituciones no se >>>

in Art - Art Places by Costanza Meli on 01/08/2009 - Comments (0)

Art - Art Places
Open Space, Zentrum für Kunst Projekte @ Wien Interview mit Gülsen Bal

Leiterin für Projektentwicklung und Programme
„Meine Initiative folgt der Intention, sowohl unterschiedliche kreative Praktiken zusammen zu führen als auch reale und virtuelle Foren der Zusammenarbeit zu schaffen, Räume zu öffnen, um >>>

in Art - Art Places by Costanza Meli on 06/02/2009 - Comments (0)

Art - Art Places

Interview à Anne Langlois, conservatrice de 40mcube: un espace expositif très important de Rennes, partagé à sa fois dans trois sièges différentes, ça se présente comme une construction aux >>>

in Art - Art Places by Costanza Meli on 06/02/2009 - Comments (0)

Art - Arts
Sladzana Bogeska - Video Artist

Što znaći da se bide umetnik, e kompleksno prašanje na koe ne može da se dade samo eden odgovor, da se bide umetnik e rezultat na mnogu faktori. Da se bide umetnik pred se znaći da se zeme seriozna i iskrena obvrska >>>

in Art - Arts by Costanza Meli on 03/12/2008 - Comments (0)

Art - Art Places
26cc, non profit, independent artspace in Rome

"In our case, it’s about being a bridge to take what there’s in Rome outside Rome, and vice-versa; we wish that this is being understood by the city as a positive gesture, aimed to widen the communication and collaboration forms between Rome and >>>

in Art - Art Places by Costanza Meli on 02/11/2008 - Comments (0)

Art - Art Places
Lisboa 20

A Lisboa 20 surgiu como um projecto pioneiro na medida em que quando a galeria foi criada não possuía um espaço próprio onde realizar exposições. O projecto, iniciado por Miguel Nabinho, actual director da Lisboa 20 Arte Contemporânea, trabalhava >>>

in Art - Art Places by Costanza Meli on 02/11/2008 - Comments (0)

Art - Arts
Chen Zhen. The inner light of human body

The antinomies of our logical system set darkness against light and soul against body, but if we refuse submitting to the automatism of the opposition, and we perform a dialectical couple-swing, we may see that light and body could function >>>

in Art - Arts by Costanza Meli on 01/11/2008 - Comments (0)

Art - Art Web-Gallery
Sara Basta

Drawings, Installation, Performance, Video

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