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 Music - CD Reviews
L'Enfance Rouge / Bar-Bari / Wallace

Un disco “sinistramente occidentale” come loro stessi lo definiscono. E che nessun tesserato del popolo della libertà si sogni di vederci una sottesa allusione partitica in quanto qui è piuttosto una visione >>>

Music For Eleven Instruments / Business is a sentiment / Red Birds

Si parte dalle raffinerie di Gela raffigurate in copertina, da cui si allontanano persone sorridenti, tra le quali il nostro caro Salvatore Sultano, alias Music For Eleven Instruments, e coerentemente con questa visione l’album si >>>

Six Minute War Madness / Full Fathom Six / Wallace - Il verso del Cinghiale - Santeria

When I come back home, at 1.40 pm, I find the habitual pile of packages waiting for me. The first one I unwrap, as usual, is the one by Wallace. I own this to her. While unwrapping my package, I hesitate for a while. Then I make an oblique >>>

Maisie / Balera Metropolitana / Snowdonia / 2009

Psychosociopathology of an Italy at candied fruit...

in Music - CD Reviews by Dario Budella on 22/09/2009 - Comments (0)
Three Second Kiss / Long Distance / Africantape

Per la serie “grandi ritorni”: il power trio più amato dagli americani (beh, almeno da alcuni!), ma del tutto made in Italy. Post tutto, resta solo la musica.

in Music - CD Reviews by Italo Rizzo on 21/07/2008 - Comments (0)
Santogold / Downtown / Lizard King Records

So new? No! So Root ! Hi-Fi-Stereo-Summer, Yess!!!

Elina Duni / Baresha / Metarecords

Elina Duni chante avec passion en albanais, en français et en anglais, d'une voix mystérieuse et caressante qui nous charme et nous fascine.

in Music - CD Reviews by Dominique on 16/06/2008 - Comments (0)
Jealousy Party / Again / Burp Publications, MhMusic

Il ritorno di una banda di matti. Un disco ispiratissimo che fa il punto della situazione nel panorama “impro jazz” 2008.

in Music - CD Reviews by Italo Rizzo on 15/06/2008 - Comments (0)
København Store / Action, Please! / 42 Records

København Store ovvero il gruppo venuto dal freddo (We Came Down From The North titola un brano). Ma in realtà il quartetto proviene da Piacenza, il nome è un omaggio ad un luogo che li ha ispirati, e questo Action, Please! >>>

in Music - CD Reviews by Italo Rizzo on 01/04/2008 - Comments (0)
Fake P / Last ep / 42 Records

I Fake P parlano l’idioma del pop elettronico con grande dimestichezza e capacità inventiva, dando significati nuovi a concetti classici come la “forma canzone”.

in Music - CD Reviews by Italo Rizzo on 01/04/2008 - Comments (0)
R.U.N.I. / Fula Fula Fular / Wallace records

The R.U.N.I. comeback: what can we say? Seven pieces of madness, seven steps inside a "pastiche" of kraut rock/noise/electro/prog/avant.
The band recycles and invent sounds from the post-modern era, they sing "siamo >>>

in Music - CD Reviews by Italo Rizzo on 03/03/2008 - Comments (0)
Udus / DooMooD / From Scratch

Udus è l’incontro, o per meglio dire la fusione - sentiti i roventi brani che compongono il disco -, tra Zu (il sax di Luca Mai) e Neo (la batteria di Antonio Zitarelli e la chitarra di Manlio Maresca, quest’ultimo anche negli Squartet).

in Music - CD Reviews by Italo Rizzo on 25/01/2008 - Comments (0)
The Creeping Nobodies - Miranda / Split cd / From Scratch

Registrare uno split tra due band può essere un incentivo ad unire le forze, oppure un confronto tra stili, una sfida amichevole o ancora uno spazio da condividere, dove mettere in comune idee, strumenti, ambizioni.

in Music - CD Reviews by Italo Rizzo on 24/01/2008 - Comments (0)
Jennipher Grind Records

Today Italian Grindcore breaths better, in the melt and went-crazy metal lung of Jennifer Grind, you just need to announce the birth and take a look at the project on the old ass myspace to shockingly realize where the classic grind tradition >>>

Oren Ambarchi & Martin NG, Plump DJ's, Puddy, RadioMagenta, Remi, Rope, Royal Trux, Rye Coalition, Sonia Brex, Soulo, Talk Show Host, Terje Nordgarden, Hot Wires, Divine Brown, Life & Times, Rapture, Tied & Ticklded Trio, Tujiko Noriko, UochiTochi, Wire.

Oren Ambarchi & Martin NG, Plump DJ's, Puddy, RadioMagenta, Remi, Rope, Royal Trux, Rye Coalition, Sonia Brex, Soulo, Talk Show Host, Terje Nordgarden, Hot Wires, Divine Brown, Life & Times, Rapture, Tied & Ticklded Trio, Tujiko >>>

in Music - CD Reviews by SuccoAcido on 01/08/2004 - Comments (0)
Il Generale & Toni, Ali Baba, I/O, Jaga Jazzist, Kammerflimmer Kollektief, Ken Ishy, Richard H Kirk, Kopernik, La Betoniera, Marà, Masha Qrella, Meanwhile Back In Communist Russia, Militia.

Il Generale & Toni, Ali Baba, I/O, Jaga Jazzist, Kammerflimmer Kollektief, Ken Ishy, Richard H Kirk, Kopernik, La Betoniera, Marà, Masha Qrella, Meanwhile Back In Communist Russia, Militia.

in Music - CD Reviews by SuccoAcido on 01/04/2004 - Comments (0)
Apokalypz Bugz, Twink, Coleman, Modern Institute, Conqueror, Homelife.

Apokalypz Bugz, Twink, Coleman, Modern Institute, Conqueror, Homelife.

in Music - CD Reviews by SuccoAcido on 01/01/2004 - Comments (0)
!!!, A.D., Aa.Vv. All Tomorrow's Parties 3.0, Aa.Vv. Anno Zero, Aa.Vv. Fragments, Aavv Sixdaysonicmadness, Abarthjour Floreale, Andy Moor (The Ex)/ John Butcher/Thomas Lehn, Arab Strap, Arrington De Dionyso & The Old Time Relijun, Neurodisney.

!!!, A.D., Aa.Vv. All Tomorrow's Parties 3.0, Aa.Vv. Anno Zero, Aa.Vv. Fragments, Aavv Sixdaysonicmadness, Abarthjour Floreale, Andy Moor (The Ex)/ John Butcher/Thomas Lehn, Arab Strap, Arrington De Dionyso & The Old Time Relijun, >>>

in Music - CD Reviews by SuccoAcido on 01/09/2003 - Comments (0)
Andy Moor (The Ex)/ John Butcher/Thomas Lehn, Arab Strap, Black Nielson, Daniel Givens, Desormais, Encode, Goodmorning Boy, Hat Melter (Hess/Klatt/Mueller/Turner), Ken Ishy, Meanwhile Back In Communist Russia, Oren Ambarchi & Martin Ng, Tujiko Noriko.

Andy Moor (The Ex)/ John Butcher/Thomas Lehn, Arab Strap, Black Nielson, Daniel Givens, Desormais, Encode, Goodmorning Boy, Hat Melter (Hess/Klatt/Mueller/Turner), Ken Ishy, Meanwhile Back In Communist Russia, Oren Ambarchi & Martin Ng, Plump >>>

in Music - CD Reviews by SuccoAcido on 01/09/2003 - Comments (0)
Autobeat, Massimo Aiello, Black Dice, Black Nielson, Califone, Dubus Soundsystem, Daniel Givens, David Sylvian, Deerhoof, Delicious, Demode, DNA2, D'o.n.c., Ekkehard Ehlers, Encode, Enon, Fu Manchu, Goodmorningboy, Hat Melter.

Autobeat, Massimo Aiello, Black Dice, Black Nielson, Califone, Dubus Soundsystem, Daniel Givens, David Sylvian, Deerhoof, Delicious, Demode, DNA2, D'o.n.c., Ekkehard Ehlers, Encode, Enon, Fu Manchu, Goodmorningboy,  Hat Melter.

in Music - CD Reviews by SuccoAcido on 01/06/2003 - Comments (0)
Goodmorning Boy, Guignol, Hat Melter (Hess/Klatt/Mueller/Turner), I/O, Il Generale & Toni , Kammerflimmer Kollektief, Ken Ishy, Kopernik, La Betoniera, Luxluna, Mara', Masha Qrella, Massimo Aiello, Meanwhile Back In Communist Russia, Memoria Zero, Militia

Goodmorning Boy, Guignol, Hat Melter (Hess/Klatt/Mueller/Turner), I/O, Il Generale & Toni , Kammerflimmer Kollektief, Ken Ishy, Kopernik, La Betoniera, Luxluna, Mara', Masha Qrella, Massimo Aiello, Meanwhile Back In Communist Russia, Memoria >>>

in Music - CD Reviews by SuccoAcido on 01/06/2003 - Comments (0)
Autobeat, Black Dice, Black Nielson, Blueprint, Califone, Coleman, Conqueror, D'o.N.C., David Sylvian, Deerhoof, Delicious, Demode, Desormais, Diana Darby, Dna 2, Encode, Enon, Everest, Fabio Fiocco, Fu Manchu, Gatto Marte, Gonna Fall Hard.

Autobeat, Black Dice, Black Nielson, Blueprint, Califone, Coleman, Conqueror, D'o.N.C., David Sylvian, Deerhoof, Delicious, Demode, Desormais, Diana Darby, Dna 2, Encode, Enon, Everest, Fabio Fiocco, Fu Manchu, Gatto Marte, Gonna Fall Hard.

in Music - CD Reviews by SuccoAcido on 01/06/2003 - Comments (0)
Mikrofisch, Mui, Nlf3, Odd Nosdam, Passage, Populous, Pragma, Reynolds, Richard Hawley, Rio Mezzanino, Sintesi Archivio, Slim, Stati Di Angoscia, The Eyesores, The Orange, Them, Theoretical Girls, Tottemo Godzilla Riders, Why?, Wire, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Zu.

Mikrofisch, Mui, Nlf3, Odd Nosdam, Passage, Populous, Pragma, Reynolds, Richard Hawley, Rio Mezzanino, Sintesi Archivio, Slim, Stati Di Angoscia, The Eyesores, The Orange, Them, Theoretical Girls, Tottemo Godzilla Riders, Why?, Wire, Yeah Yeah >>>

in Music - CD Reviews by SuccoAcido on 01/06/2003 - Comments (0)
Dogon, Down, Egokid, El Guapo, Fabio Viscogliosi, Guascoctet, Hecker, Him, Jet Johnson, Kabu Ki Buddah, Kammerflimmer Kollektif, Kinski, Krakatoa, Laspina, Larval, Mariposa, Marixperience, Marlene Kuntz, März, Massive Attack, Medusa, Meganoidi.

Dogon, Down, Egokid, El Guapo, Fabio Viscogliosi, Guascoctet, Hecker, Him, Jet Johnson, Kabu Ki Buddah, Kammerflimmer Kollektif, Kinski, Krakatoa, Laspina, Larval, Mariposa, Marixperience, Marlene Kuntz, März, Massive Attack, Medusa, >>>

in Music - CD Reviews by SuccoAcido on 01/06/2003 - Comments (0)
Aa.Vv. Quantize Vs The Human Feel, Aa.Vv. Aleatory Compilation, Aa.Vv. Avatar 41, Aa.Vv. Branches And Routes, Aa.Vv. Copperpress N.14, Adult, Awr, Baby Woodrose, Barnacled, Bartok, Basement, Black Eyes, Black Knight, Bugo/Onq, Cods, Cpt. Nice, Daedelus.

Aa.Vv. Quantize Vs The Human Feel, Aa.Vv. Aleatory Compilation, Aa.Vv. Avatar 41, Aa.Vv. Branches And Routes, Aa.Vv. Copperpress N.14, Adult, Awr, Baby Woodrose, Barnacled, Bartok, Basement, Black Eyes, Black Knight, Bugo/Onq, Cods, Cpt. Nice, >>>

in Music - CD Reviews by SuccoAcido on 01/06/2003 - Comments (0)
Sux!, Sylvain Chauveau, Tarwater, The Double, The Juniper Band, The Microphones, Thundercrack, Tonne +Hakan Libdo+Scanner+ Si-Cut.Db, Three Second Kiss, Turk 182, Vanillina, Xavier Garcia/Gianni Gebbia/Nils Wogram, Zonaplayd.

Sux!, Sylvain Chauveau, Tarwater, The Double, The Juniper Band, The Microphones, Thundercrack, Tonne +Hakan Libdo+Scanner+ Si-Cut.Db, Three Second Kiss, Turk 182, Vanillina, Xavier Garcia/Gianni Gebbia/Nils Wogram, Zonaplayd.

in Music - CD Reviews by SuccoAcido on 01/03/2003 - Comments (0)
Officina Musicoteatrale Fleb, Oneida & Liars, Motorama, Paul + Paula, Pecksniff, Pilar Ternera, Pin Pin Sugar, Punck, Puntog Blu, R.U.N.I., Sharko, Skiantos, Solid Fondation, Stanza 101, Stefano Giaccone, Super Collider, Supershock.

Officina Musicoteatrale Fleb, Oneida & Liars, Motorama, Paul + Paula, Pecksniff, Pilar Ternera, Pin Pin Sugar, Punck, Puntog Blu, R.U.N.I., Sharko, Skiantos, Solid Fondation, Stanza 101, Stefano Giaccone, Super Collider, Supershock.

in Music - CD Reviews by SuccoAcido on 01/03/2003 - Comments (0)
Fabrice Charles/Michel Doneda/Gunter Muller, Fonica, Hood, Jacopo Andreini, Jimi Tenor, Karate, Kinetix, La Moscaceca, Logan, Loscil, Maisie, Mantler, Manuel Es, Marlene Kuntz, Mezz Gacano, Milaus, Miraspinosa, Morose, Nick Cave.

Fabrice Charles/Michel Doneda/Gunter Muller, Fonica, Hood, Jacopo Andreini, Jimi Tenor, Karate, Kinetix, La Moscaceca, Logan, Loscil, Maisie, Mantler, Manuel Es, Marlene Kuntz, Mezz Gacano, Milaus, Miraspinosa, Morose.

in Music - CD Reviews by SuccoAcido on 01/03/2003 - Comments (0)
Breakfast, Bugo, Buzzcocks, Candies, Cinerama, Claude Cambed & The Headlines, Comma22, Dave Devil, David Bowie, De Void, Debord, Demi Project, Devics, Di Malta, Diaframma, Dilatazione, Dilemma, Dilute, Discom, Dj Mreux, Dll, El Guapo, Exp.

Breakfast, Bugo, Buzzcocks, Candies, Cinerama, Claude Cambed & The Headlines, Comma22, Dave Devil, David Bowie, De Void, Debord, Demi Project, Devics, Di Malta, Diaframma, Dilatazione, Dilemma, Dilute, Discom, Dj Mreux, Dll, El Guapo, Exp.

in Music - CD Reviews by SuccoAcido on 01/03/2003 - Comments (0)
3000 Bruchi, A Modern Safari, Aa.Vv "Marsiglia Recs 2002", Aa.Vv. "Hup! Recs", Aa.Vv. "Active Suspension Vs Clapping Music", Affranti, Alva Noto / Ryuichi Sakamoto, Anonimo Ftp, Audioslave, Babalot, Blackalicious, Bonnie Prince Billy, Brad.

3000 Bruchi, A Modern Safari, Aa.Vv "Marsiglia Recs 2002", Aa.Vv. "Hup! Recs", Aa.Vv. "Active Suspension Vs Clapping Music", Affranti, Alva Noto / Ryuichi Sakamoto, Anonimo Ftp, Audioslave, Babalot, Blackalicious, >>>

in Music - CD Reviews by SuccoAcido on 01/03/2003 - Comments (0)
Shearwater, Sigur Rós, Steve Von Till, Sugarcoma, Tara Jane O’neil/Daniel Littleton, The Phenomenological Boys, The Walkmen, Thomas Dimuzio, Tribes Of Neurot, Vega Enduro, Wilco, Reith Fullerton Whitman.

Shearwater, Sigur Rós, Steve Von Till, Sugarcoma, Tara Jane O’neil/Daniel Littleton, The Phenomenological Boys, The Walkmen, Thomas Dimuzio, Tribes Of Neurot, Vega Enduro, Wilco, Reith Fullerton Whitman.

in Music - CD Reviews by SuccoAcido on 01/01/2003 - Comments (0)
Gor/Francesco Banchini & The Gitanos Of Pozzuoli, Her Self, Il Cane Celeste, Interpol, Jazzanova, Jelted Meat, Jenny Toomey, Leben, Mauro Repetto, Meshuggah, Neurosis, Noriko Tujiko, Otto’p’notri, Out Hud, Paper Chase, S.Talker Inc.

Gor/Francesco Banchini & The Gitanos Of Pozzuoli, Her Self, Il Cane Celeste, Interpol, Jazzanova, Jelted Meat, Jenny Toomey, Leben, Mauro Repetto, Meshuggah, Neurosis, Noriko Tujiko, Otto’p’notri, Out Hud, Paper Chase, S.Talker >>>

in Music - CD Reviews by SuccoAcido on 01/01/2003 - Comments (0)
Altro, Antipop Consortium, Beth Gibbons & Rustin Man, Blueprint, Byrne, Cftpa, Dälek, Death In Vegas, Deep End, Dj Shadow, Dominion Iii, Doves, Drexciya, Elle, Experimental Fragments, Gamila, Gaston, Gd Luxxe, Giddy Motors, Godspeed You! Black Emperor.

Altro, Antipop Consortium, Beth Gibbons & Rustin Man, Blueprint, Byrne, Cftpa, Dälek, Death In Vegas, Deep End, Dj Shadow, Dominion Iii, Doves, Drexciya, Elle, Experimental Fragments, Gamila, Gaston, Gd Luxxe, Giddy Motors, Godspeed You! >>>

in Music - CD Reviews by SuccoAcido on 01/01/2003 - Comments (0)
R.U.N.I., Radian, Smith And Mighty, Spaceheads, The (International) Noise Conspiracy, The Kaiser Lupowitz Trio, The Libertines, The Mercury Program, Vonneumann, Votiva Lux.

R.U.N.I., Radian, Smith And Mighty, Spaceheads, The (International) Noise Conspiracy, The Kaiser Lupowitz Trio, The Libertines, The Mercury Program, Vonneumann, Votiva Lux.

in Music - CD Reviews by SuccoAcido on 01/11/2002 - Comments (0)
Electro-Magnetic Trans-Personal Orchestra, Ellery Eskelin With Andrea Parkins & Jim Black, Francesco Forni, Gea, H.O.M., Harmonia Ensamble, Klint, Madrigali Magri, Micatone, Monumentum, Motorpshyco, Mouses And Sequencers, Nous, Pubblic Enemy.

Electro-Magnetic Trans-Personal Orchestra, Ellery Eskelin With Andrea Parkins & Jim Black, Francesco Forni, Gea, H.O.M., Harmonia Ensamble, Klint, Madrigali Magri, Micatone, Monumentum, Motorpshyco, Mouses And Sequencers, Nous, Pubblic >>>

in Music - CD Reviews by SuccoAcido on 01/11/2002 - Comments (0)
A Short Apnea, A.A.V.V. 15 Id: Fifteen Italian Dishes, Alec Empire, Anatrofobia, Andrew Duke, Black Heart Procession, Black Tape For A Blue Girl, Bovine Life +/Vs Komet, Cinematic Orchestra, Davey Williams & John Corbett, Deus Ex Machina, Dsp.

A Short Apnea, A.A.V.V. 15 Id: Fifteen Italian Dishes, Alec Empire, Anatrofobia, Andrew Duke, Black Heart Procession, Black Tape For A Blue Girl, Bovine Life +/Vs Komet, Cinematic Orchestra, Davey Williams & John Corbett, Deus Ex Machina, >>>

in Music - CD Reviews by SuccoAcido on 01/11/2002 - Comments (0)
Liars, Mum, My Dear Killer, Nasten'ka, Peter Rehberg, Phil Ranelin, Queens Of The Stone Age, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Ronin, Savoy Grand, The Mars Volta, The Fog In The Shell, The Streets.

Liars, Mum, My Dear Killer, Nasten'ka, Peter Rehberg, Phil Ranelin, Queens Of The Stone Age, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Ronin, Savoy Grand, The Mars Volta, The Fog In The Shell, The Streets.

in Music - CD Reviews by SuccoAcido on 01/10/2002 - Comments (0)
Aa.Vv / For Fun Only!, Azucena, Belongs To Me, Chris Brokaw, Comfort, De Facto, Dj Spooky, Dose One & Boom Bip, Eveline, Exhaust, Fly Pan Am, Frozen Fractures, David Grubbs, Institut Fuer Feinmotorik, John Frusciante.

Aa.Vv / For Fun Only!, Azucena, Belongs To Me, Chris Brokaw, Comfort, De Facto, Dj Spooky, Dose One & Boom Bip, Eveline, Exhaust, Fly Pan Am, Frozen Fractures, David Grubbs, Institut Fuer Feinmotorik, John Frusciante.

in Music - CD Reviews by SuccoAcido on 01/10/2002 - Comments (0)
Lo-Fi Sucks!, Manowar, Manual, Marco Sanchioni, Melvins, Miele, Mirah, Morose, Onomatopea, Ovo, Planet Funk, Pölis, Prg, Redworm’sfarm, Revolver, Scarapocchio, T.H.U.M.B., The Books, Trans Am, Valentina Dorme, Vert, Warlord, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Zu.

Lo-Fi Sucks!, Manowar, Manual, Marco Sanchioni, Melvins, Miele, Mirah, Morose, Onomatopea, Ovo, Planet Funk, Pölis, Prg, Redworm’sfarm, Revolver, Scarapocchio, T.H.U.M.B., The Books, Trans Am, Valentina Dorme, Vert, Warlord, Yeah Yeah >>>

in Music - CD Reviews by SuccoAcido on 01/09/2002 - Comments (0)
3q, Aa. Vv. Fosbury, Aa.Vv. Gascd, Am60, Basement Jaxx, Beef Terminal, Caboto, Calla, Cohiba, Doomsword, Fantomas/Melvins, Fennesz/O’ Rourke/Reheberg, Gallara, Gogogo Airheart, Guided By Voices, Imodium, Jerica’s, Komeit, L’altra, La Quarta Via, Libra.

3q, Aa. Vv. Fosbury, Aa.Vv. Gascd, Am60, Basement Jaxx, Beef Terminal, Caboto, Calla, Cohiba, Doomsword, Fantomas/Melvins, Fennesz/O’ Rourke/Reheberg, Gallara, Gogogo Airheart, Guided By Voices, Imodium, Jerica’s, Komeit, >>>

in Music - CD Reviews by SuccoAcido on 01/09/2002 - Comments (0)
Sonic Youth, Sparrow Orange, That’s All Folks, The Miles Apart, The National Trust, Tomas Schumacker, Town & Country, Uber, Ulan Bator.

Sonic Youth, Sparrow Orange, That’s All Folks, The Miles Apart, The National Trust, Tomas Schumacker, Town & Country, Uber, Ulan Bator.

in Music - CD Reviews by SuccoAcido on 01/06/2002 - Comments (0)
Hans Appelquist, Heart Crimes, Loser, Mclusky, Ministry, Mr.C, My Religion # 2, Nest, Nina Nastasia, Notwist, Ojm, Organ, Pawnshop, Pitchshifter, Rollerball, Satantango, Slipper.

Hans Appelquist, Heart Crimes, Loser, Mclusky, Ministry, Mr.C, My Religion # 2, Nest, Nina Nastasia, Notwist, Ojm, Organ, Pawnshop, Pitchshifter, Rollerball, Satantango, Slipper.

in Music - CD Reviews by SuccoAcido on 01/06/2002 - Comments (0)
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