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 Music - Musicians
Thollem McDonas

Thollem McDonas is a pianist, composer, improviser and teacher. He travels perpetually internationally performing as a soloist as well as in collaboration with a wide array of artists in wildly divergent directions. In the past 7 years, he has >>>

in Music - Musicians by SuccoAcido on 24/02/2014 - Comments (1)

Rllrbll is a special band, a unique mix of personality, musical taste, openmindness and creativity. In the last 20 years (almost!) they explored sound possibilities, copulating with improvisers and painters, roaming in european roads and digging >>>

in Music - Musicians by SuccoAcido on 22/02/2014 - Comments (0)
Angelo Sturiale

Artiste polyvalent qui a lié la musique, l’écriture et le dessin. Musicien et artiste visuel né à Catane, Angelo Sturiale a remporté plusieurs bourses internationales. En tant que compositeur, il a été invité en Angleterre, Mexique, Japon, >>>

in Music - Musicians by SuccoAcido on 22/07/2013 - Comments (1)
Luca Sigurtà

Tra la passione per il silenzio e il noise

in Music - Musicians by SuccoAcido on 20/07/2013 - Comments (0)

V13 est un group français qui vient de sortir son deuxième album, "Traqueur", enregistré à Chicago aux Electrical Audio studios par Steve Albini. Ici ils nous relatent leur experience à l'interieur de l'évolution de la vie de la band.

Bachi Da Pietra

Since 2005 Giovanni Succi (formerly Madrigali Magri) and Bruno Dorella (formerly Wolfango, currently Ronin and OvO) have been dredging the musical scene as Bachi Da Pietra (Stoneworms). With four rock-blues studio album, a live one – Insect >>>

Gudrun Gut. Interview mit Monika Enterprise

Punk war gestern – doch die Musik-Schaffenden, die diese Szene klanglich prägten, sind mit ihrem heutigen Tun immer noch kreativ präsent, nicht dem Gestrigen verhaftet jedoch ohne ihre „alten“ Ideale guter Soundwelten über Bord geworfen zu haben. >>>

in Music - Musicians by SuccoAcido on 07/12/2012 - Comments (0)
Woodpecker Wooliams

The Woodpecker Wooliams are in fact a singer-songwriter, Gemma Williams. She’s just gotten back from a tour, saying to be dazzled and also gotten a post-tour cold. Over the last two years Woodpecker Wooliams has tours in Germany, Denmark, >>>

in Music - Musicians by SuccoAcido on 07/12/2012 - Comments (0)
Cobol Pongide

Emiglino Cicala, front-bot della band Cobol Pongide completata dall’umano strumentista Cobol. Radiazione cosmica di fondo, topologia della trama spazio-tempo, pianeti extrasolari, non sono tutto nella vita d’una persona. Ci sono anche i robot. >>>

in Music - Musicians by Emanuele Calì on 19/02/2012 - Comments (0)
Bologna Violenta

Uno scambio emotivo con una delle personalità più eclettiche e brillanti nel panorama “indie” italico (con collaborazioni che vanno da Il Teatro Degli Orrori a Non Voglio Che Clara, dai Ronin ai Baustelle, dagli Offlaga Disco Pax a Ligabue) >>>

in Music - Musicians by Emanuele Calì on 19/12/2011 - Comments (0)
Giacomo Sferlazzo

Giacomo Sferlazzo has the force to live with all the contradictions of the modern times’ man. He’s old and actual, he’s sage as an old man and crazy like a young boy, spontaneous and meditative, he shouts and whispers, he’s solitary and >>>

in Music - Musicians by SuccoAcido on 18/11/2011 - Comments (0)
Madeleine Bloom

If the mark of a true poet is the ability to reveal the world and reality by using ordinary means in an extraordinary way, then Madeleine Bloom is a poet through and through.
Born and raised in Jena – former DDR – she now lives in Berlin, >>>

in Music - Musicians by SuccoAcido on 30/07/2011 - Comments (0)

 “in doma mi è venuto alla mente in un pomeriggio di bicicletta forsennata, una di quelle volte in cui il pedalare, l’ingoiare asfalto, trasforma lo sfogo fisico in pensiero. Pensavo alla fatica di essere da soli in questo percorso così >>>

in Music - Musicians by SuccoAcido on 03/05/2011 - Comments (0)

“Non siamo assolutamente esterofili e non ci interessa esserlo piuttosto, in un paese poco curioso e dormiente come il nostro, i nostri suoni sembrano essere troppo rischiosi. Non siamo così convenzionali da rientrare in qualsivoglia giro >>>

in Music - Musicians by Emanuele Calì on 13/04/2011 - Comments (0)
Nicola Ratti

I want nor right, nor left in my country, no more slogans or working-class conflicts. I would like a serene and free society with a flourishing culture. It seems to be a mirage if I look at the present situation, but at least we have to attempt >>>

in Music - Musicians by Emanuele Calì on 03/03/2011 - Comments (0)
Philippe Petit

I like to tell a story, bring my listeners into a voyage, make them discover my musical universe so I believe that "musical travel-agent" is an apt definition. Furthermore I am the only/first person in the world to use the term.

in Music - Musicians by Emanuele Calì on 11/02/2011 - Comments (0)
Arie di Sicilia - Oriana Civile & Maurizio Curcio

Quando la musica diventa ponte ideale tra passato e futuro possibile. Attraversatelo a occhi chiusi e non svegliatevi più...

in Music - Musicians by SuccoAcido on 03/02/2011 - Comments (0)
Lali Puna... Valerie Trebeljahr

Interview avec Valerie Trebeljahr, chanteuse du groupe Lali Puna. Influences, label dirons-nous familial et autres.

Peter Kutin

Peter Kutin, 26 years by now, musician, soundartist, composer, listener... Very curious about 'everyday objects' and what they sound like.

in Music - Musicians by SuccoAcido on 12/03/2010 - Comments (0)
The Konki Duet

The Konki Duet est un groupe formé à Paris en 2002. Le groupe est composé de Kumi (clavier/voix), Zoé (guitare/voix) et Tam (violon/voix). Découvrez leur univers electro pop à travers leurs trois album: >>>

Fabio Albanese

Fabio Albanese’s music is a clear crystal that emits pure light. Successful is such rare example of lucid and mature self-produced grassroots art. The south that still makes you smile.

in Music - Musicians by SuccoAcido on 12/12/2009 - Comments (0)
Sense of Akasha

Klaus Leitner, Armin Untersteiner, Christian Mair, Ivo Forer und Irene Hopfgartner

in Music - Musicians by Trivo on 19/10/2009 - Comments (0)

The foggian Trivo, had exploit as many as six years to complete his "Emoterapia".
An overdose of placebo effect medicines, 17 tracks, summarized in 38 minutes of lo-fi distortions and reverse ways.
The freshness is the central >>>

in Music - Musicians by SuccoAcido on 21/06/2009 - Comments (0)
Emiliano Turazzi

Emiliano Turazzi wurde 1970 in Mailand geboren. In sehr frühen Jahren begann er Klarinette und Saxophon zu spielen und fand bald Zugang zum Avantgarde-Jazz sowie zu improvisierter und zeitgenössischer Musik, was ihn schließlich >>>

in Music - Musicians by Antonio Leto on 02/12/2008 - Comments (0)
Tsigoti (Waristerror Terroriswar)

Tsigoti is a collaborative quazi-punk band dedicated to spreading their disgust for war and all activities related to it. They are made up of members with a tremendous amount of experience in a wide variety of musical situations and enjoy the >>>


Il fiore dello sberleffo è risorto. Ha trovato un humus fertile tra le distese collinari di vigne che disegnano lo skyline di un angolo di Sicilia, la parte più ad occidente del golfo di Castellammare. È qui, ad Alcamo, che >>>

in Music - Musicians by SuccoAcido on 17/06/2008 - Comments (0)
Meccaniche Invisibili, intervista ad Andrea Ponzano

Ho trovato nella cassetta della posta il cd delle “Meccaniche Invisibili” un giorno che non potevo più rimandare le pulizie di casa. Così, il primo ascolto, si è naturalmente amalgamato in modo distratto, ma >>>

in Music - Musicians by Andrea Pintus on 17/06/2008 - Comments (0)
L' Enfance Rouge: une traversée Nord-Sud

Un nouvel album de L' Enfance Rouge. Une certaine électricité pan-occidentale fondue avec les fastes de la musique orientale. Une synergie créative entre larsens, feed-backs et ces fameux quarts de tons de la musique >>>

in Music - Musicians by Violance on 11/02/2008 - Comments (0)
Helga Blohm Dynastie

HELGA- BLOHM-DYNASTIE aus Berlin. "A Band like a Brand"
Mit einer Vorliebe für allerlei Kuriositäten, Abnormitäten und Übersinnliche Phänomene zelebrieren sie mit großer Leidenschaft ihren sehr speziellen Sound.

in Music - Musicians by SuccoAcido on 07/02/2008 - Comments (0)
Movie Star Junkies

Parliamo di un gruppo, da Torino, che non ha ancora fatto un disco in studio. Abbiamo parlato con un gruppo che si sta facendo la fama(e) suonando in giro per l’Europa.
Non è che abbia sott’occhio tutta la scena rock >>>

Bron Y Aur

The question is a bit complicated: there are a lot of brave labels and many good bands but we can’t talk about a scene if we think about it as people conveying their energies to promote independent musics.

in Music - Musicians by SuccoAcido on 03/10/2006 - Comments (0)
Bobby Conn

Bobby Conn from Chicago maybe is the most successful reincarnation of the “glam spirit” in his authentic sense, melting this with the most unlikely sounds of the ‘70s (and not only): epic hard rock, funky like Prince, >>>

in Music - Musicians by SuccoAcido on 30/04/2006 - Comments (0)
Oper’azione Nafta

Mettete insieme le masturb’azioni di un basso funky e strafottente, la presenza di una batteria attenta e misurata, i frantumi di una chitarra talvolta scheletrica ma più spesso corposa e piacevolmente sgraziata e rumorosa, gli >>>

in Music - Musicians by SuccoAcido on 21/02/2006 - Comments (0)
C.F.F. e il Nomade Venerabile

“Ghiaccio” è il nuovo cd dei C.F.F. e il Nomade Venerabile, band rock parateatrale di Gioia del Colle (BA). Contiene cinque canzoni più una traccia video, per un totale di 35 minuti di musica e immagini.
Qui di >>>

in Music - Musicians by SuccoAcido on 09/02/2006 - Comments (0)
Il Babau e i maledetti cretini

Il babau e i maledetti cretini e kale borroca sono due gruppi, il primo band musicale di rock regressivo, le seconde plastiche ballerine, provenienti dallo stesso humus …. Buona parte degli elementi dei gruppi, infatti, sono colonne ( >>>

in Music - Musicians by SuccoAcido on 20/01/2006 - Comments (0)

Nous pouvons seulement te dire que nous sommes fières d’être nées avant 1980 !

in Music - Musicians by SuccoAcido on 11/01/2006 - Comments (0)

The difference between a group and an aggregate lies in the fact that the group is characterized by a certain interdependency amongst it´s components, while the aggregate is mainly a collection of individuals sometimes similar to eachother, >>>

in Music - Musicians by SuccoAcido on 05/01/2006 - Comments (0)
Paolo Benvegnù

Se il nome di Benvegnù non vi dice nulla, dovreste allora ripensare a quella bizzarra meteora nella musica italiana che furono gli Scisma, dissolti dopo solo due dischi usciti per la Emi quando si puntava parecchio sul “rock in >>>

in Music - Musicians by SuccoAcido on 19/12/2005 - Comments (0)
Diana Darby

Diana Darby made a nice tour crossing Italy from north to south to promote her beatiful second album called "Fantasia Ball". Try to think a kind of Laura Nyro a little bit "darker" or a Kristin Hersh less psychedelic singing >>>

in Music - Musicians by SuccoAcido on 11/11/2005 - Comments (0)

Dopo una lunga gavetta sui palchi di tutta Italia, svariati demo, un 7" e un video, le Motorama sono finalmente approdate al disco d’esordio, "No bass fidelity", di cui abbiamo già parlato un paio di Succhi fa, un cd >>>

in Music - Musicians by SuccoAcido on 05/11/2005 - Comments (0)
Mirko Sabatini

I’m always at the beginning of something which is always similar to itself and changing at the same time, like the shape of the sea.

in Music - Musicians by SuccoAcido on 06/06/2005 - Comments (0)
Mark O'Leary

Mark O'Leary, during his life as a guitarist has performed with a great number of musicians all over the world. It is a jazz prerogative, not really knowing the meaning of boundaries. From Cork City, Ireland, he moved to Los Angeles at the age of >>>

in Music - Musicians by SuccoAcido on 04/06/2005 - Comments (0)
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