A temporary autonomous space would also be good, an autonomous place in which one can feel free to create. In our workshops we try to re-create this kind of place for experimenting, playing, speaking about politics, death and collective creation. >>>
Collova's travel in the meanders of James Joyce's Ulysses has started with "Uomini al Buio" during Rosso Festival organized by Emma Dante at Regina Margherita theatre in Caltanissetta with a suggestive performance of Filippo Luna >>>
"Creo que hay una relación profunda entre cuerpo, alma y mente y hasta ahora he podido constatar que es muy difícil encontrarla y devolverla a sí y a los demás, no sólo en la escena sino >>>
My grandmother, Marianna, had got strong calfes, a curved nose and coral drop earring. Once upon a time, in Palermo (she was already old and Dario and me were two little children ever drawing their doodles on the >>>
Emiliano Turazzi wurde 1970 in Mailand geboren. In sehr frühen Jahren begann er Klarinette und Saxophon zu spielen und fand bald Zugang zum Avantgarde-Jazz sowie zu improvisierter und zeitgenössischer Musik, was ihn schließlich >>>
Interview with Francesca Tortora: actress, director and co-founder of "Chi per Es teatro" with the guitar player and composer Davide Chiarello. She is actually working to a new project about virtuality and chat rooms.
We met Cinzia in Catania and Palermo during the first two meetings of Y+quasar. Taking part to the first national performance of Doc. in Catania. This is a performance dedicated to all the people suffering any kind of deliberate robbery. >>>
Questa č una scelta, non esaustiva, di testi che trattano, in modo piu' o meno approfondito e tangenziale, varii aspetti universali della creazione teatrale.
> Platone, - La Repubblica (Libro Settimo) - Biblioteca >>>
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