Writing |
Writing - Books Reviews |
Divoridee/ Giuseppe Vitale / ilmiolibro.it |
Ashtu si veprat e Medardo Rosso dhe Michelangelo syrin e shikuesit duhet te finalizohet, tregime t Giuseppe Vitale kerkojne vemendjen e syve te mendjes, duke detyruar lexuesit per reflektim. |
Writing - Writing Festivals |
Festival del Giornalismo d’Inchiesta 2010 @ Marsala |
Tre giorni di seminari, conferenze, incontri con alcune delle più grandi firme del giornalismo italiano: Marco Travaglio, Luca Telese, Peter Gomez, Bianca Stancanelli, Andrea Vianello, tutti accorsi in Sicilia per affermare che si >>> |
Writing - Poetry & Tale's Room |
L'oceano del mio IO / Liliana Arena / Aletti Editore |
With the number 36 of Orizzonti magazine was distributed the new edition of poetry collection "L'oceano del mio IO" by Liliana Arena published in its first edition in March 2008 by Aletti Editore. |
Writing - Poetry & Tale's Room |
Tiziana Curti |
Discover this interview with a very active poet, now in her third publication, also devoted to painting. |
Writing - Writers |
Valeria Marzoli |
The children's literature is a very important and successful literary genre. Nowadays there are roughly two schools of thought: one that affirms the importance of such literature as a tool for growth and training both for parents and children; >>> |
Writing - Publishers |
Malicuvata Reading House |
Casa Lettrice Malicuvata (Malicuvata Reading House) is an association that addresses authors, readers and publishers. In it novels and short stories are read – both those that have already been published and, particularly, unpublished >>> |
Writing - Scomunicazione |
Fuori centro, fuori legge. Laboratorio Zeta, Palermo. |
Il 24 gennaio 2010, dopo lo sgombero, lo Zetalab è stato rioccupato... Di nuovo in piedi quindi, come in piedi restano le domande qui poste. E così con SuccoAcido abbiamo deciso di cominciare un percorso che ci porti alla scoperta >>> |
Writing - Writers |
Cinzia Luigia Cavallaro |
We’ve interviewed Cinzia Luigia Cavallaro, poet, 48, from Milan. Not only a poet, but a true lover of art, photography, painting. Her first collection of poems, "Kairos", has been published by Giraldi Editore, Bologna. |
Writing - Books Reviews |
Le parole che non scrivo / Giordano Criscuolo / Il Filo |
A really true crescendo accompanies the reading of a text that has got a title saying both everything and nothing. Le parole che non scrivo would initially make one think of a sort of reprimand towards the habits of false press freedom gripping >>> |
Writing - Books Reviews |
Il libro più bello del mondo / Walter Cantoro / Demian edizioni |
"And on this ephemeral paper stage I claim again and I continue the offense and plead my language Transgression as a moral transgression, from immorality gathering the strength of being and the turgid manhood of saying through writing >>> |
Writing - Publishers |
Scrittori sommersi |
Scrittori sommersi has arisen from the desire to create a network that can support young writers, as well as quality small publishers, by creating and promoting alternative channels of distribution, its strength lying in the nationally spread >>> |
Writing - About Writing |
Libertà come bene supremo. Isabella Bordoni |
Isabella Bordoni is the woman behind the project “Libertà Come Bene Supremo” (“Freedom as the Supreme Good”): a three-days event revolving around some of the main themes in poetry and philosophy from the 20th century. We embraced this project >>> |
Writing - Writers |
Umberto Galimberti |
"Sex is not the body, such as philosophy is the concept, both are action, a report and a language." (Anne Dufourmantelle). Festival della Filosofia - Modena September 20, 2009 interview with Umberto Galimberti. |
Writing - Writing Festivals |
Philosophy Festival 2009: the community at issue |
It was almost 200 free events of the Ninth Philosophy Festival concerning the theme of community. In Carpi, Modena and Sassuolo there were more than 50 distinguished lectures of the Philosophy Festival, in which since Friday 18th until Sunday >>> |
Writing - Scomunicazione |
Il dialetto agli insegnanti? sì se è solo il primo passo |
Sì, perché il passo successivo dovrebbe essere quello di inserire come opzionale lo studio del "dialetto straniero" (magari sottraendo ore all'apprendimento delle lingue straniere). E soprattutto, applicare lo stesso >>> |
Writing - Writers |
Vanni Santoni |
Infinite adolescences, restrictive contexts of province, want (or need) to experience all the possible drugs.
Great cities for falsely anonymous characters, everyone with own history.
The histories and the personages of vanni >>> |
Writing - Publishers |
avant-verlag, Berlin |
Interview mit Johann Ulrich, avant-verlag Berlin.
„Die deutsche Comic-Landschaft hat sich in den letzten Jahren enorm entwickelt. Eigenständige Autoren aus Deutschland werden inzwischen auch gerne im Ausland verlegt. Die >>> |
Writing - Publishers |
Kuzul ar Brezhoneg |
Lakaat an obererezhioù da glotañ, kenlodennañ al labour, kas war-raok, strollañ ha kreñvaat ar re a labour e brezhoneg er bed sevenadurel
Kuzul ar Brezhoneg a stroll hag a vod abaoe 1952 >>> |
Writing - Writers |
Théo Ananissoh |
Théo Ananissoh est né au Togo, il vit aujourd’hui en Allemagne et écrit en français.
Une interview pour mieux connaître Ananissoh, la vitalité et la richesse de la jeune littérature togolaise. Ses livres ne peuvent pas être catalogués >>> |
Writing - Magazines |
Revue littéraire Nejma |
Nous avons interviewé Simon-Pierre Hamelin maitre d’œuvre de la revue littéraire Nejma.
La revue Nejma est un lieu où les diversités se rencontrent, pour la pluralité des genres artistiques >>> |
Writing - Writing Festivals |
Salon du livre de Paris 2008 |
Le Salon du livre de Paris pouvait être visité en écoutant les voix qui de l’extérieur des stands dénonçaient les crimes de l’état d’Israël et en ignorant les conférences du stand d’Israël au cœur du Salon. Nous n’avons pas écouté tout le monde, >>> |
Writing - Poetry & Tale's Room |
Vada all’inferno chi non tace |
La ricchezza del dialetto. Libero slancio linguistico, fuori binario della buona educazione grammaticale. “Gli stupratori della cosa pubblica”, questo sottotitolo metterei allo scritto. |