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Music - Musicians
Thollem McDonas

Thollem McDonas is a pianist, composer, improviser and teacher. He travels perpetually internationally performing as a soloist as well as in collaboration with a wide array of artists in wildly divergent directions. In the past 7 years, he has >>>

in Music - Musicians by SuccoAcido on 24/02/2014 - Comments (1)
Music - Musicians

Rllrbll is a special band, a unique mix of personality, musical taste, openmindness and creativity. In the last 20 years (almost!) they explored sound possibilities, copulating with improvisers and painters, roaming in european roads and digging >>>

in Music - Musicians by SuccoAcido on 22/02/2014 - Comments (0)
Music - Musicians
Angelo Sturiale

Artiste polyvalent qui a lié la musique, l’écriture et le dessin. Musicien et artiste visuel né à Catane, Angelo Sturiale a remporté plusieurs bourses internationales. En tant que compositeur, il a été invité en Angleterre, Mexique, Japon, >>>

in Music - Musicians by SuccoAcido on 22/07/2013 - Comments (1)
Music - Musicians
Luca Sigurtà

Tra la passione per il silenzio e il noise

in Music - Musicians by SuccoAcido on 20/07/2013 - Comments (0)
Music - Musicians

V13 est un group français qui vient de sortir son deuxième album, "Traqueur", enregistré à Chicago aux Electrical Audio studios par Steve Albini. Ici ils nous relatent leur experience à l'interieur de l'évolution de la vie de la band.

Music - Musicians
Bachi Da Pietra

Since 2005 Giovanni Succi (formerly Madrigali Magri) and Bruno Dorella (formerly Wolfango, currently Ronin and OvO) have been dredging the musical scene as Bachi Da Pietra (Stoneworms). With four rock-blues studio album, a live one – Insect >>>

Music - Musicians
Gudrun Gut. Interview mit Monika Enterprise

Punk war gestern – doch die Musik-Schaffenden, die diese Szene klanglich prägten, sind mit ihrem heutigen Tun immer noch kreativ präsent, nicht dem Gestrigen verhaftet jedoch ohne ihre „alten“ Ideale guter Soundwelten über Bord geworfen zu haben. >>>

in Music - Musicians by SuccoAcido on 07/12/2012 - Comments (0)
Music - Musicians
Woodpecker Wooliams

The Woodpecker Wooliams are in fact a singer-songwriter, Gemma Williams. She’s just gotten back from a tour, saying to be dazzled and also gotten a post-tour cold. Over the last two years Woodpecker Wooliams has tours in Germany, Denmark, >>>

in Music - Musicians by SuccoAcido on 07/12/2012 - Comments (0)
Music - Music Labels
fratto9 under the sky records

fratto9 under the sky takes its name from the title of a song composed by Al Aprile, my uncle, that song was included in a sampler he assembled about thirty years ago and titled “Matita Emostatica”. Fratto9 is an homage to improvised/ free music, >>>

in Music - Music Labels by SuccoAcido on 27/02/2012 - Comments (0)
Music - Musicians
Cobol Pongide

Emiglino Cicala, front-bot della band Cobol Pongide completata dall’umano strumentista Cobol. Radiazione cosmica di fondo, topologia della trama spazio-tempo, pianeti extrasolari, non sono tutto nella vita d’una persona. Ci sono anche i robot. >>>

in Music - Musicians by Emanuele Calì on 19/02/2012 - Comments (0)
Music - Musicians
Bologna Violenta

Uno scambio emotivo con una delle personalità più eclettiche e brillanti nel panorama “indie” italico (con collaborazioni che vanno da Il Teatro Degli Orrori a Non Voglio Che Clara, dai Ronin ai Baustelle, dagli Offlaga Disco Pax a Ligabue) >>>

in Music - Musicians by Emanuele Calì on 19/12/2011 - Comments (0)
Music - Musicians
Giacomo Sferlazzo

Giacomo Sferlazzo has the force to live with all the contradictions of the modern times’ man. He’s old and actual, he’s sage as an old man and crazy like a young boy, spontaneous and meditative, he shouts and whispers, he’s solitary and >>>

in Music - Musicians by SuccoAcido on 18/11/2011 - Comments (0)
Music - Musicians
Madeleine Bloom

If the mark of a true poet is the ability to reveal the world and reality by using ordinary means in an extraordinary way, then Madeleine Bloom is a poet through and through.
Born and raised in Jena – former DDR – she now lives in Berlin, >>>

in Music - Musicians by SuccoAcido on 30/07/2011 - Comments (0)
Music - Musicians

 “in doma mi è venuto alla mente in un pomeriggio di bicicletta forsennata, una di quelle volte in cui il pedalare, l’ingoiare asfalto, trasforma lo sfogo fisico in pensiero. Pensavo alla fatica di essere da soli in questo percorso così >>>

in Music - Musicians by SuccoAcido on 03/05/2011 - Comments (0)
Music - Musicians

“Non siamo assolutamente esterofili e non ci interessa esserlo piuttosto, in un paese poco curioso e dormiente come il nostro, i nostri suoni sembrano essere troppo rischiosi. Non siamo così convenzionali da rientrare in qualsivoglia giro >>>

in Music - Musicians by Emanuele Calì on 13/04/2011 - Comments (0)
Music - CD Reviews
L'Enfance Rouge / Bar-Bari / Wallace

Un disco “sinistramente occidentale” come loro stessi lo definiscono. E che nessun tesserato del popolo della libertà si sogni di vederci una sottesa allusione partitica in quanto qui è piuttosto una visione >>>

Music - CD Reviews
Music For Eleven Instruments / Business is a sentiment / Red Birds

Si parte dalle raffinerie di Gela raffigurate in copertina, da cui si allontanano persone sorridenti, tra le quali il nostro caro Salvatore Sultano, alias Music For Eleven Instruments, e coerentemente con questa visione l’album si >>>

Music - Musicians
Nicola Ratti

I want nor right, nor left in my country, no more slogans or working-class conflicts. I would like a serene and free society with a flourishing culture. It seems to be a mirage if I look at the present situation, but at least we have to attempt >>>

in Music - Musicians by Emanuele Calì on 03/03/2011 - Comments (0)
Music - Musicians
Philippe Petit

I like to tell a story, bring my listeners into a voyage, make them discover my musical universe so I believe that "musical travel-agent" is an apt definition. Furthermore I am the only/first person in the world to use the term.

in Music - Musicians by Emanuele Calì on 11/02/2011 - Comments (0)
Music - Musicians
Arie di Sicilia - Oriana Civile & Maurizio Curcio

Quando la musica diventa ponte ideale tra passato e futuro possibile. Attraversatelo a occhi chiusi e non svegliatevi più...

in Music - Musicians by SuccoAcido on 03/02/2011 - Comments (0)
Music - Musicians
Lali Puna... Valerie Trebeljahr

Interview avec Valerie Trebeljahr, chanteuse du groupe Lali Puna. Influences, label dirons-nous familial et autres.

Music - CD Reviews
Six Minute War Madness / Full Fathom Six / Wallace - Il verso del Cinghiale - Santeria

When I come back home, at 1.40 pm, I find the habitual pile of packages waiting for me. The first one I unwrap, as usual, is the one by Wallace. I own this to her. While unwrapping my package, I hesitate for a while. Then I make an oblique >>>

Music - Musicians
Peter Kutin

Peter Kutin, 26 years by now, musician, soundartist, composer, listener... Very curious about 'everyday objects' and what they sound like.

in Music - Musicians by SuccoAcido on 12/03/2010 - Comments (0)
Music - Musicians
The Konki Duet

The Konki Duet est un groupe formé à Paris en 2002. Le groupe est composé de Kumi (clavier/voix), Zoé (guitare/voix) et Tam (violon/voix). Découvrez leur univers electro pop à travers leurs trois album: >>>

Music - Musicians
Fabio Albanese

Fabio Albanese’s music is a clear crystal that emits pure light. Successful is such rare example of lucid and mature self-produced grassroots art. The south that still makes you smile.

in Music - Musicians by SuccoAcido on 12/12/2009 - Comments (0)
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