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Writing - Books Reviews
Benito La Manitia e Gabriella Cucca / Libri Proibiti. Quattro secoli di censura cattolica / Stampa Alternativa

La censura della chiesa in un libro appassionante e attualissimo.


Art - Editorial
Rosso fontana

Il 19 ottobre scorso il telegiornale ha esordito, all’ora di pranzo, con la notizia, tra i titoli principali, di un’azione vandalica. Le parole pronunciate dai giornalisti di tutte le reti televisive, in questa occasione, sono state >>>

in Art - Editorial by Costanza Meli on 21/10/2007 - Comments (0)

Art - Art Fairs & Festivals
Interferencia 07 @ Barcellona

Intervenire artisticamente in uno spazio pubblico č modificarne le modalitą socio-relazionali. Trasformare i luoghi (o non-luoghi) di passaggio e di svago in zone di dialogo e di riflessione sociale con azioni artistiche, crea quell’effetto >>>

Theatre - Theatre Festivals
High Fest

October is the month in which Yerevan's theatres and squares become a stage for performing arts from all over the world. I attended the Felix Meritis Foundation's program called "Connecting the Caucasus". High Fest is the name of this >>>

Music - Charts & Discography
2006 - Records Of The Year

Afx / Chosen Lords / Rephlex
Agf & Sue C. / Mini-Movies / Asphodel
Akron/Family / Meek Warrior / Young God
Amerie / Take Control / Sony Urban
Anthony Pateras & Robin Fox / Flux Compendium Editions / Mego

Art - Environments
Cities from Below

Zone della trasformazione e costruzione urbana
Intervista quadrupla a: Fondazione Teseco per l’Arte, promotrice del progetto; al curatore Marco Scotini; all'artista Francesco Jodice e ad una giovane artista che ha partecipato ad uno dei >>>

in Art - Environments by Costanza Meli on 16/01/2007 - Comments (0)

Art - Arts
Fabrizio Ajello, libretti di lavoro

Materiale urbano di scarto, sottratto alla combustione, salvato dal disfacimento, osservato in un angolo, per terra, avvicinato per curiosità. L’avvio del progetto consiste in un ritrovamento: l’artista attinge alle suggestioni >>>

in Art - Arts by Costanza Meli on 16/12/2006 - Comments (0)

Theatre - Dancers & Dance Companies
Michčle Ricozzi

Au théâtre Garibaldi de Palerme au sein du festival “Alla Kalsa 2006” on a assisté à la pièce “Xenit” de la compagnie de Marseille, Skalen, chorégraphie et interprétation >>>

Theatre - Dancers & Dance Companies
Emma Scialfa

S(u)ono corpo
Specific research on sounds of the body and on movement sound
Interview to Emma Scialfa

Theatre - Dancers & Dance Companies
Alessandra Luberti

Angelo x Cristiano was performed the 2-3 of may 2006 at the Candelai in Palermo during the rassegna “Quintessenza di primavera”. Idea and choreography of Alessandra Luberti, with the artistic collaboration of the theatre director Claudio Collovą >>>

Art - Environments

Interviewing Luisa Perlo
Laboratorio Artistico Permanente - Eco e Narciso
Saturday September 23rd 2006 the project Inventalavoro of Mark Vaglier has been introduced in Forno Canavese (TO) - a perspective, a public competition >>>

in Art - Environments by Costanza Meli on 29/10/2006 - Comments (0)

Music - Musicians
Bron Y Aur

The question is a bit complicated: there are a lot of brave labels and many good bands but we can’t talk about a scene if we think about it as people conveying their energies to promote independent musics.

in Music - Musicians by SuccoAcido on 03/10/2006 - Comments (0)

Writing - Poetry & Tale's Room
Tommaso Lupino

Aspettando la continuazione...aspettando

Art - Environments

intervista al collettivo -Hyphen
Un paese in cima ad un monte, come lascia intuire il suo nome suggestivo, spicca da lontano isolato com’è nel bel mezzo di una pianura che per chilometri accompagna lo sguardo del viaggiatore >>>

in Art - Environments by Costanza Meli on 10/09/2006 - Comments (0)

Art - Environments
Les Nouveaux Commanditaires

L'interview à Marie Leduc, coordinatrice du Bureau des compétences et désirs de Marseille, constitue la première intervention dans un dialogue instauré de SuccoAcido avec les protagonistes du projet Nouveaux >>>

in Art - Environments by Costanza Meli on 16/07/2006 - Comments (0)

Comics - About Comics

Comic artist, prolific drawer and bass player of the music band “Laghetto”, Ratigher is one of the founders of the Bologna based music and comics indipendent label “Donna Bavosa”, that spreads books of comics and drawings all over Italy, made by >>>

in Comics - About Comics by SuccoAcido on 14/06/2006 - Comments (0)

Theatre - Theatre Artists & Authors
Iaia Forte

Quintessenza di Primavera (the retrospect organized in Palermo) had a great opening, thanks also to the brilliant figure of Iaia Forte, with her piece Corpo Celeste, presented on the 6th of April: with this work, she started a careful >>>

Art - Art Places
Artists Space - NY

One of New York's oldest non-profit galleries
“Artists Space – that name is what it should always be about: artists”

Art - Environments

Tevereterno est un hommage à l’histoire de Rome, comme on entend bien à partir du nom de la manifestation, mais il s’agit aussi d’une proposition pour la relance d’une zone de la ville très >>>

in Art - Environments by Costanza Meli on 16/05/2006 - Comments (0)

Music - Musicians
Bobby Conn

Bobby Conn from Chicago maybe is the most successful reincarnation of the “glam spirit” in his authentic sense, melting this with the most unlikely sounds of the ‘70s (and not only): epic hard rock, funky like Prince, >>>

in Music - Musicians by SuccoAcido on 30/04/2006 - Comments (0)

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