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Theatre - Theatre Reviews
Il mercante di Venezia / Massimiliano Civica

I went to see this performance going onstage for the first time after being awarded with Ubu prize for best direction at "Unanimi di Arcidosso" theatre in the square in front of the castle.

Art - Art Places
Open Space, Zentrum für Kunst Projekte @ Wien Interview mit Gülsen Bal

Leiterin für Projektentwicklung und Programme
„Meine Initiative folgt der Intention, sowohl unterschiedliche kreative Praktiken zusammen zu führen als auch reale und virtuelle Foren der Zusammenarbeit zu schaffen, Räume zu öffnen, um >>>

in Art - Art Places by Costanza Meli on 06/02/2009 - Comments (0)

Theatre - Dancers & Dance Companies
Beyond the death forever love, Interrupted (#1) / Chikako Kaido, Pierre Yves Diacon

The solo Interrupted (# 1) opens the evening of suggestions at the Teatro Libero between 28th and 31th January. It is structured into two piece, both "calved" from Folkwang Hochschule in Essen. As usually the Theater is hosting >>>

Art - Art Places

Interview à Anne Langlois, conservatrice de 40mcube: un espace expositif très important de Rennes, partagé à sa fois dans trois sièges différentes, ça se présente comme une construction aux >>>

in Art - Art Places by Costanza Meli on 06/02/2009 - Comments (0)

Theatre - Theatre Companies
Danlenuąr - Entrevista con Maria Francesca Spagnolo

"Creo que hay una relación profunda entre cuerpo, alma y mente y hasta ahora he podido constatar que es muy difícil encontrarla y devolverla a sí y a los demás, no sólo en la escena sino >>>

Theatre - Theatre Companies
Danlenuąr - Interview with Giacomo Guarneri

My grandmother, Marianna, had got strong calfes, a curved nose and coral drop earring. Once upon a time, in Palermo (she was already old and Dario and me were two little children ever drawing their doodles on the >>>

Art - Art Fairs & Festivals
Art First @ Bologna

Naive fictions: ArteFiera, Bologna, January 23-26, 2009
Does in Italy exist an intellectually honest critique? Are Italians really interested in what is going on in the rest of the world?

Art - Art Knowledges
Alfredo Jaar @ Milan: “Questions Questions”, “Did we forget culture? Looking for culture in Italy...”, Petition for COX 18

MILAN - Last week (21/01/2009) a convention “Did we forget culture? Looking for culture in Italy...” celebrated Alfredo Jaar's public intervention in Milan: several intellectuals were invited to talk about the role of culture in contemporary >>>

Comics - About Comics
Martin Bassler

Ein Interview mit Martin Bassler von Beruf Grafik- Designer der in München lebt und arbeitet. Er hat sein Leben den Comics verschrieben. Er zeichnet sie nach Feierabend, an den Wochenenden und während er Urlaub hat und setzt vom Druck bis zur >>>

in Comics - About Comics by SuccoAcido on 02/01/2009 - Comments (0)

Art - Arts

"Follow your passion and go with the flow"
Ein Artikel gemeinsam und über einen der interessantesten und anspruchsvollsten urbanen Künstler aus den Vereinigten Staaten der im städtischen Raum interveniert und es vorzieht seine Kunst in den >>>

in Art - Arts by SuccoAcido on 15/12/2008 - Comments (0)

Art - Art Reviews
Arte, Prezzo e Valore @ Firenze

A total immersion into the complex relationships that tie together contemporary Art and global economic system through eyes and works of twentyone protagonists of the international art scene.

Art - Arts
Sladzana Bogeska - Video Artist

Što znaći da se bide umetnik, e kompleksno prašanje na koe ne može da se dade samo eden odgovor, da se bide umetnik e rezultat na mnogu faktori. Da se bide umetnik pred se znaći da se zeme seriozna i iskrena obvrska >>>

in Art - Arts by Costanza Meli on 03/12/2008 - Comments (0)

Music - Musicians
Emiliano Turazzi

Emiliano Turazzi wurde 1970 in Mailand geboren. In sehr frühen Jahren begann er Klarinette und Saxophon zu spielen und fand bald Zugang zum Avantgarde-Jazz sowie zu improvisierter und zeitgenössischer Musik, was ihn schließlich >>>

in Music - Musicians by Antonio Leto on 02/12/2008 - Comments (0)

Music - Musicians
Tsigoti (Waristerror Terroriswar)

Tsigoti is a collaborative quazi-punk band dedicated to spreading their disgust for war and all activities related to it. They are made up of members with a tremendous amount of experience in a wide variety of musical situations and enjoy the >>>

Theatre - Theatre Festivals
L'ultimo nastro di Krapp

Regia di Fabrizio Trisciani. Con Altero Borghi. Si conclude l'edizione 2008 di Teatrinscatola organizzata da Straligut. Giovane, in tutti i sensi, rassegna ragionata di teatro a Siena.

Art - Art Fairs & Festivals
T2 - International Triennial @ Torino

The attempt to create an aura of “romantic depression” and “melancholic deterioration” of human body which would have to directly and emotionally involve the spectator, has not been succesful. Though the audience's great >>>

Cinema - Authors
Ottavio Mussari... Mu’afah, cendres d’hommes

C’est déjà soir,  quand je décide de regarder une deuxième fois le court métrage de Ottavio Mussari.
Je voulais le faire depuis beaucoup de temps… maintenant c’est la bonne >>>

Theatre - Dancers & Dance Companies
Mayte Vaos

Danzar es estar entre dos mundos. Danza implica movimiento, contradiccion.

La danza comienza cuando Eva y Adan comen del arbol de la sabiduria y son expulsados del encuentran de repente en un mundo con pares de >>>

Art - Art Places
26cc, non profit, independent artspace in Rome

"In our case, it’s about being a bridge to take what there’s in Rome outside Rome, and vice-versa; we wish that this is being understood by the city as a positive gesture, aimed to widen the communication and collaboration forms between Rome and >>>

in Art - Art Places by Costanza Meli on 02/11/2008 - Comments (0)

Theatre - Theatre Artists & Authors
Chi per Es Teatro. Francesca Tortora

Interview with Francesca Tortora: actress, director and co-founder of "Chi per Es teatro" with the guitar player and composer Davide Chiarello. She is actually working to a new project about virtuality and chat rooms.

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