Isabella Bordoni is the woman behind the project Libertą Come Bene Supremo (Freedom as the Supreme Good): a three-days event revolving around some of the main themes in poetry and philosophy from the 20th century. We embraced this project >>>
When comics go beyond comics but are still comics: a look at the new Abstract Comics anthology, edited by Andrei Molotiu and published by Fantagraphics.
Girem la mirada cap a un espai cultural independent a Europa. La nostra investigació es dirigeix ara cap a l'espai polivalent Niu, a Barcelona. Mitjanēant una entrevista amb el director Sergi Bueno Navarro, aquest ens explica com fer un art >>>
Die zweiundzwanzig- Seitige Geschichte IL GUASTO
Idee und Scenario von Angelo Farinon, setzt die Attribute des klassischen Noir- Genres fort, adaptiert sie in moderne Erzählformen und ist in seiner zeichnerischen und >>>
El autoretrato es seguramente el tema central de Francesca Woodman... Una mirada que viene invocada de la misma imagen arrebatadora, ésta parece observarnos através del espacio que nos separa de ella.
"Sex is not the body, such as philosophy is the concept, both are action, a report and a language." (Anne Dufourmantelle). Festival della Filosofia - Modena September 20, 2009 interview with Umberto Galimberti.
It was almost 200 free events of the Ninth Philosophy Festival concerning the theme of community. In Carpi, Modena and Sassuolo there were more than 50 distinguished lectures of the Philosophy Festival, in which since Friday 18th until Sunday >>>
Produire, raconter, collectionner, c’est ce que je fais depuis que j’ai appris à jouer avec des Caran d’Ache. Mon idée de représentation comporte un cadre traditionnel: je suis intéressé par >>>
Nous arrivons alors que le concert a déjà commencé, le hangar est déjà plein à craquer. Nous sommes donc restés à l’arrière. Je reconnais dans l’air la douce >>>
"La idea que la cultura forma parte integrante de los derechos de los ciudadanos es muy lejos de ser un hecho real: ni siquiera los ciudadanos mismos tienen una clara percepción de sus necesidades culturales y, por eso, las instituciones no se >>>
In Rome, somewhere in between the Verano cemetery and San Lorenzo square, a recently opened theatre ("Teatro allo Scalo") presents a never-heard-of young company from Naples.The performance they're presenting assembles a number of >>>
Sì, perché il passo successivo dovrebbe essere quello di inserire come opzionale lo studio del "dialetto straniero" (magari sottraendo ore all'apprendimento delle lingue straniere). E soprattutto, applicare lo stesso >>>
Monica Cuoghi and Claudio Corsello are two beautiful heads, wide open and tuned on frequencies which are very difficult to catch. Always in search of hidden paths, of places without official mapping, of interstices in ferment. Their art has been >>>
Infinite adolescences, restrictive contexts of province, want (or need) to experience all the possible drugs.
Great cities for falsely anonymous characters, everyone with own history.
The histories and the personages of vanni >>>
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