Claire Barclay's new sculptural installation responds in part to the architectural features, the light and context of Camden Arts Centre as a place for the production and reception of fine art and craft.
Met zijn nieuwe multimedia-installatie "La Constellation des Baisers" (2008), zet de kunstenaar een stap verder in zijn exploratie van het menselijk plezier, van de digitale expressie daarvan en van de poëtische gevoelens die het kan opwekken.
Artistic and curatorial practices in the era of open source culture. The event will be structured as a display in progress of artistic interventions at Neon>campobase, with continual feedback and an updating in real time that will transform the >>>
2008ko apirilaren 17tik ekainaren 22ra Bizkaiko Foru Aldundiaren Sorkuntza Artistikorako Bekak, 2005-2006 Komisarioa: Haizea Barcenilla Talde-erakusketa honetan Bizkaiko Foru Aldundiaren beka jaso zituzten zazpi artisten lanak bildu dira...
Artists Space is pleased to present the fourth installment of the durational performance series When Time Becomes Form curated by Marina Abramovic, featuring two separate performances occurring simultaneously >>>
Visionary architecture and urban design of the sixties reflected by contemporary artists curated by Sabrina van der Ley and Markus Richter / European Art Projects
When things cast no shadow Die 5. berlin biennale für zeitgenössische kunst mit dem Titel When things cast no shadow, kuratiert von Adam Szymczyk und Elena Filipovic, bringt KünstlerInnen verschiedener Generationen und Nationalitäten bei Tag und >>>
Galleria Emi Fontana is delighted to present Foster, You're Dead - Rirkrit Tiravanija's third solo show and his new project for the gallery space produced in collaboration with the designer Neil Logan.
UNION and Workplace Gallery are pleased to announce King Fisher’s Tales, a group exhibition bringing together works by a diverse group of 19 artists including Eric Bainbridge, Neil Baker, Darren Banks, Catherine Bertola, Rick Buckley, Joe Clark, >>>
An exhibition by German artist Thomas Scheibitz includes new paintings, sculptures and works on paper. His paintings are large in scale; the geometric shapes, organic masses and flat colourful components create distorted spatial illusions.
This is Simon Lewty’s first solo exhibition with Art First in four years. It is also the first exhibition largely conceived and produced, not in the West Midlands, his home since birth, but in the gentler southern light of Dorset where his Swanage >>>
Hélène Picard, artista francesa afincada en Madrid desde el año 2000, presenta su último proyecto en el Museo del Traje: Entramados, que reúne pinturas y trajes.
La Galería Pilar Parra & Romero se complace en presentar la primera exposición de “Os Gemeos” en España. Estos artistas y a la vez hermanos gemelos, Otavio y Augusto Pandolfo (de ahí su nombre “Os Gemeos” en Portugués) llegan a la Galería tras pasar >>>
In occasione della mostra Pechino 2008: il tempo, gli animali, la storia. Un'opera di Huang Rui, promossa dal Comune di Roma e organizzata da Sala 1 in collaborazione con Zètema, la nostra galleria ospiterà una esposizione di lavori del grande >>>
Hotelier André Balazs, in partnership with the Design Museum and Tate Modern, brings a house designed by architectural visionary Jean Prouvé to Britain for the first time.
FOTOGRAFIA IN FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA Sabato 26 gennaio 2008 inaugura ManinFesto - Fotografia in Friuli Venezia Giulia mostra collettiva che presenta i lavori dei finalisti del concorso omonimo indetto lo scorso anno dal Centro d’Arte Contemporanea >>>
Il primo appuntamento del progetto mushROOM dal titolo Germinazioni e' una mostra collettiva, realizzata dall'Associazione MEGA+MEGA in collaborazione con il Comune di Arezzo. Germinazioni si propone di presentare lo stato della giovane ricerca >>>
The preamble to this exhibition is a residency organized by Exposito, which took place in Naples, Southern Italy, from mid October to mid December 2007. On this occasion Exposito selected three artists, Micheal Dean, Maria Karantzi and Christodoulos >>>
Mostra video-fotografica di Filippo Porcelli L'esposizione video-fotografica, collocata all'interno di Urban Center Bologna, nel cuore sotterraneo della città, e' indirizzata ai visitatori di Artefiera e ai cittadini di Bologna con due finalità: >>>
Il 21 gennaio 2008 presso le sale espositive del MLAC - Museo Laboratorio di Arte Contemporanea, Sapienza Università di Roma, si inaugura la mostra di Agostino Di Scipio con due installazioni di cui una realizzata in collaborazione con Roberto >>>
Lunedì 21 gennaio 2008 alle ore 18.30, l'Istituto Polacco di Roma presenta a Palazzo Blumenstihl in via Vittoria Colonna 1 e nella sede distaccata di via dei Prefetti 46 la mostra BUNKER D'ARTE Collezione della Galleria d'Arte Contemporanea Bunkier >>>
IBID PROJECTS is pleased to present a solo exhibition with London-based artist Daniel Silver. ‘Making Something Your Own’ will contain a new multi-part sculptural environment consisting of marble and wood carvings, as well as a number of recent >>>
Dan Perfect's paintings have a restless energy that permeates their dense compositions. Grounds and figures merge to depict a seething internal world with an imperative to create, connect and situate disparate elements. The paintings include a >>>
Art First is pleased to present this exhibition in which Kilpatrick continues to explore the cultural diversity of contemporary India. He particularly focuses on the receding values of labour and commitment to ritual, whilst maintaining an empathy >>>
1,2,3…Abangoardiak. Artea, testuinguruko arte gisa zinemagintzan eta artean –eta bi alor horien arteko elkarrekintzan– izan den esperimentazioaren historia etengabea ikertzen duen erakusketa eta ikerketa-proiektuaren hirugarren aldia da.
Abdelkader Benchamma présente un ensemble de dessins d’une grande finesse d’exécution. Au feutre gouache, à l’encre, ils sont réalisés sans esquisse préalable, pensés comme une écriture.
Two coordinates: X and Y. Between them, a long univocal track, a necessary interchange. It's not allowed to know one's reaction to a provocation of the other.
Strategie e percorsi di artisti consapevoli The Power of the Artist è un progetto contenitore che trae il titolo e lo spunto per una propria indagine da un saggio di Gunnar Krantz, un’artista svedese che si è trovato a riflettere >>>
La Babylon postmoderna pierde fronteras y calles en los lienzos de Emanuela De Notariis, donde los lugares son solo color. Desarraigo e hibridismo, síntomas de la sociedad contemporánea, son estados interiores, íntimos, desnudados por sus >>>
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