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Music - Music Labels
Keplar records

Keplar is a fiveheaded team of longyear friends, whose mayor interest has always been music.
9 questions to discover the Keplar label...

in Music - Music Labels by SuccoAcido on 21/12/2005 - Comments (0)

Music - Musicians
Paolo Benvegnł

Se il nome di Benvegnù non vi dice nulla, dovreste allora ripensare a quella bizzarra meteora nella musica italiana che furono gli Scisma, dissolti dopo solo due dischi usciti per la Emi quando si puntava parecchio sul “rock in >>>

in Music - Musicians by SuccoAcido on 19/12/2005 - Comments (0)

Music - Musicians
Diana Darby

Diana Darby made a nice tour crossing Italy from north to south to promote her beatiful second album called "Fantasia Ball". Try to think a kind of Laura Nyro a little bit "darker" or a Kristin Hersh less psychedelic singing >>>

in Music - Musicians by SuccoAcido on 11/11/2005 - Comments (0)

Music - Musicians

Dopo una lunga gavetta sui palchi di tutta Italia, svariati demo, un 7" e un video, le Motorama sono finalmente approdate al disco d’esordio, "No bass fidelity", di cui abbiamo già parlato un paio di Succhi fa, un cd >>>

in Music - Musicians by SuccoAcido on 05/11/2005 - Comments (0)

Writing - Poetry & Tale's Room
Black One; Bric-ą-brac. Lisa Massei

...lacrime...pronte a darmi contro

Writing - Poetry & Tale's Room
Chi ti ha dato la patente?

Ma la fila scorre lenta, una formica, una lumaca… un trenino dai vagoni scollegati, tanti legumi che rotolano piano piano.

Writing - Poetry & Tale's Room
Un giorno ti svegli e decidi di fare lo scrittore

Ho solo 25 anni, me ne mancano 5 per arrivare a 30, dicono che questi siano gli anni migliori per le donne, poi i marmocchi, la famiglia, il lavoro precario…

Writing - Poetry & Tale's Room
Domenica Vedo Doppio

... ben venga l'ascolto esoterico, se siamo disposti a spendere 100 milioni per lo stereo ed altrettanti per trasformare il salotto in una camera anecoica.

Art - Arts
Pieter Zandvliet

Hello my Friends… Are you ready to go to Holland? Well! Last days, We made an excursion to the Windmill’s land….we cross a field of tulips, wearing wooden-sabots and red aprons…. However, stop to tell bloody nonsense! >>>

in Art - Arts by Costanza Meli on 17/09/2005 - Comments (0)

Music - Musicians
Mirko Sabatini

I’m always at the beginning of something which is always similar to itself and changing at the same time, like the shape of the sea.

in Music - Musicians by SuccoAcido on 06/06/2005 - Comments (0)

Music - Musicians
Mark O'Leary

Mark O'Leary, during his life as a guitarist has performed with a great number of musicians all over the world. It is a jazz prerogative, not really knowing the meaning of boundaries. From Cork City, Ireland, he moved to Los Angeles at the age of >>>

in Music - Musicians by SuccoAcido on 04/06/2005 - Comments (0)

Art - Arts
Kasper Stromman

At the moment Kasper is trying to live on a diet consisting of bananas, coffee and chocolate alone, which may or may not be the source of his creativity.

in Art - Arts by Costanza Meli on 17/05/2005 - Comments (0)

Music - Musicians
Mari X

Mari X is a band from Palermo city...

in Music - Musicians by SuccoAcido on 30/04/2005 - Comments (0)

Music - Musicians
Santo Niente

Il ritorno è dovuto all’istinto naturale del musicista, alla consapevolezza e all’urgenza delle cose da dire e all’aver trovato le persone finalmente giuste.

in Music - Musicians by SuccoAcido on 30/04/2005 - Comments (0)

Music - Musicians

Find after 3 years, inside my tray one of KARATE's latest interview, before their dissolution.
Is mr Geoff Farina who answers to my questions.... This interviews is from february 2005. SuccoAcido stopped a bit to publish but we are very >>>

Music - Music Labels
Madcap Records Collective

While dining, some protagonists of this Collective came and sat down at our table, weird people closer to an elf than an human being.

in Music - Music Labels by SuccoAcido on 01/03/2005 - Comments (0)

Music - Musicians
El Guapo

Uno dei "nomi nuovi" più originali degli ultimi anni, questi El Guapo: fisarmonica, oboe, batteria e synth danno luogo ad un mix stralunato che riporta alla mente i Devo e la follia del Pop Group, scampoli d’avanguardia >>>

in Music - Musicians by SuccoAcido on 21/02/2005 - Comments (0)

Music - Musicians
Mezz Cagano

Hi boys and gorls, my name is Parviz Mezirvan but somebody put something in my drink and after like to call me like: ..

in Music - Musicians by SuccoAcido on 05/02/2005 - Comments (0)

Music - Musicians
The Vegetable Orchestra

"The first Vienna Vegetable Orchestra" was founded in Austria during 1998, when nine guys having been experienced with various fields of arts decide to make music creating a fully vegetable generated sound.

in Music - Musicians by SuccoAcido on 23/01/2005 - Comments (0)

Music - Charts & Discography
2004 - Records Of The Year

Abe Duque & Blake Baxter / What Happened / Abe Duque
Ada / Blondie / Areal
Akira Rabelais / Spellewauernygesherde / Samadhi Sound
Alex Von Schlippenbach / Broomriding / Psi
Alterations / Voila! Enough / Unheard >>>

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