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Marion Weber News.
Czech Republic - Prag - various venues
until the 03/11/2013
Motto festivalu zní Komiks unlimited!


Austria - Vienna - various venues
until the 06/11/2013
Viennale 2013
Internationale Filmfestivals wie die Viennale werden zunehmend zu wesentlichen Foren, an denen das neue, aktuelle Kino verhandelt wird. Jenseits des kommerziellen Geschehens und einer durchs Box-Office be-stimmten Produktion sind Festivals >>>


France - Paris - Voûtes
until the 20/10/2013
15e Festival Des Cinémas Différents Et Expérimentaux
Le festival des Cinémas Différents et Expérimentaux de Paris est un rendez-vous annuel organisé par le Collectif Jeune Cinéma, coopérative de distribution et de diffusion des pratiques expérimentales de l'image et du film.


Italy - Ravenna - various venues
until the 03/11/2013
Komikazen 99%
La crisi politica, istituzionale ed economica non ha cambiato il nostro interesse, ma certo ci chiama maggiormente ad agire e non solo a fotografare il reale. Per questo l'edizione del 2013 Komikazen 99% riprende indirettamente lo slogan di Occupy >>>


Norway - Kristiansand - various venues
until the 08/09/2013
Punkt is an innovative music festival based on the combination of main stage concerts and immediate live remixing of these concerts.


Norway - Oslo - various venues
until the 14/09/2013
Ultima is Scandinavia’s largest contemporary music festival, and since 1991 it has been a key arena for contemporary music and related art forms.


Germany - Mülheim an der Ruhr - Ringlokschuppen
until the 31/08/2013
In spielerischen Experimenten bekommen Alltagsgegenstände neues Leben eingehaucht: Der Bandschleifer wird Antriebsmotor eines Kaleidoskops, der Kontroller einer Spielekonsole wird zur Soundsteuerung und die Überwachungskamera zu einem grobpixeligen >>>


Poland - Katowice - KWK Katowice (Katowice coal mine)
until the 25/08/2013
Tauron Festiwal Nowa Muzyka
Idea naszego festiwalu narodziła się w 2006 r. i jest tak naprawdę zupełnie prosta: od samego początku chcieliśmy pokazywać polskiej publiczności to co najciekawsze we współczesnej muzyce z pogranicza >>>


Portugal - Lisbon - various venues
until the 11/08/2013
Jazz Em Agosto
O outro lado do jazz comemora a sua 30ª edição.


Italy - - Marina Di Carrara
until the 21/07/2013
Premio Lunezia
Iniziato con l’intenzione di premiare i testi delle canzoni, la rassegna evolve la sua tematica cercando nelle canzoni il valore Musical-Letterario.


Poland - Łódź - various venues
until the 28/10/2012
Soundedit 2012
Łódź, miasto otwarte na kreatywność będzie po raz czwarty gospodarzem imprezy dedykowanej jednej z najbardziej dynamicznie rozwijających się gałęzi przemysłu muzycznego. Tegoroczny >>>


Switzerland - - various venues
until the 21/10/2012
Lausanne Underground Film & Music Festival
Le LUFF fusionne la musique et le 7e art dans une alchimie d'images insolites et de sonorités xénomorphes, créations d’artistes novateurs ou avant-gardistes internationaux peu représentés sur le territoire Suisse.


Poland - Krakow - various venues
until the 21/10/2012
Na Unsound 2012 nie zabraknie tradycyjnego maratonu filmowego, przygotowanego jak zwykle przez Jigoku.


Austria - Krems - various venues
until the 14/10/2012
Kontraste Festival - Electric Shadows
Menschen können nur einen kleinen Teil der Bandbreite des elektromagnetischen Spektrums wahrnehmen. Unsere Augen sind fähig, das sichtbare Licht zu sehen, unsere Ohren hören Töne zwischen etwa 20 Hz und 20 kHz. Der Rest bleibt im „Dunklen“. Wir >>>


Germany - Essen - Weststadthalle
until the 06/10/2012
Denovali Swingfest
Experimental Music Festival in Essen (Westviertel)


Portugal - Braga - Theatro Circo
until the 06/10/2012
Pretende assumir-se como um evento agregador das duas capitais europeias de 2012, aliando a componente da inovação, investigação e tecnologia ao domínio da cultura e das artes.


Italy - Faenza - various venues
until the 01/10/2012
Supersound 2012
Il più grande festival della musica emergente italiana


United States - Louisville, Kentucky - Louisville Turner
until the 30/09/2012
Cropped Out Festival
Cropped Out is a locally and independently developed music festival set to take place in Louisville, KY. The fest is designed to highlight the creative efforts of Louisville natives, friends, family, and fellow thinkers from Nashville to Chicago to >>>


United Kingdom - Manchester - Islington Mill
until the 22/09/2012
Rowf! Rowf! Rowf!
After a hiatus of more than two years, the epic Rowf! Rowf! Rowf! return for an all day festival of celebratory, exploratory and ecstatic music.


Netherlands - Den Haag - various venues
until the 22/09/2012
TodaysArt 2012
TodaysArt is an annual festival concept that revolves around the presentation and development of adventurous contemporary visual and performing arts.


No Country - London - Trafalgar Square
until the 23/09/2012
Trafalgar Square Project
Take a journey to the heart of acoustic creativity, through a portal in Trafalgar Square.
An alien black, rubberised structure will be home to finely-tuned audio technologies aimed at delivering pure acoustic experiences to visitors in the middle >>>


United States - Baltimore - various venues
until the 23/09/2012
High Zero 2012
High Zero is the premier festival of Improvised, Experimental music on the East Coast, being fully devoted to new collaborations between the most inspired improvisors from around the world.


Italy - Genova - Frazione Campeli Comune di Tribogna
until the 10/09/2012
Wood Waves Fest 2012
Prima edizione del festival bucolico che di più non si può. Con Perfect Pop, Morning Telefilm, Larva, Luca Sigurtà, Japanese Gum, Sun Glitters, Go Dugong, Samsara Means War, fOfY...


Slovenia - Ljubljana - various venues
until the 14/09/2012
International Computer Music Conference 2012
Since 1974 the International Computer Music Conference has been the major international forum for the presentation of the full range of outcomes from technical and musical research, both musical and theoretical, related to the use of computers in >>>


Germany - Karlsruhe - ZKM
until the 06/01/2013
Die Installation „resonate‟ nimmt die vorhandene Kraft der stählernen Schiffswände als Resonanzkörper mittels elastischer Klangsaiten auf, lenkt diese um und bündelt sie in acht interaktiven Objekten. Durch die Interaktion mit den Klangsaiten >>>


Austria - Gallneukirchen - Punzenberg 9
until the 07/09/2012
Das ‘Klangfestival Gallneukirchen’ versucht als non-profit Festival den Fokus auf zeitgenössische Musik, abseits des Mainstreams, zu legen, um Bands aus den verschiedensten Musikgenres dies- und jenseits der nationalen Grenzen nach Gallneukirchen >>>


United Kingdom - London - The Royal Opera House
until the 02/09/2012
Instrumentos - Victor Gamas
The Instrumentos Exhibition is a space where the visitor is encouraged to actively engage and interact with the work on display.


United States - Brooklyn, NY - Public Assembly
until the 25/08/2012
Yo Eskerrik Asko NYC!
two-day experimental blowout... Glenn Branca, Neptune, Christina Carter, White Suns, Action Beat, Tim Hecker, Oneohtrix Point Never, Charalambides, Colin L Orchestra, Grasshopper, Opponents v.s Ala Muerte


Switzerland - Willisau - Willisau
until the 26/08/2012
Jazz Festival Willisau
38. Auflage des hochklassigem & legendären schweizer Jazzevent


Austria - Nickelsdorf - Kleylehof
until the 19/08/2012
Reheat - better than how you think
Reheat is an annual interdisciplinary festival. The subtitle "Besser als wie man denkt" translates roughly as "better than how you think" and refers to the book "Blödmaschinen - Die Fabrikation der Stupidität" (approximately "machines of imbecility >>>


New Zealand - Newton, Auckland 1145 - various venues
until the 12/08/2012
Now! Here!
Audio Foundation is very excited and proud to present the Now! Here! Festival A three-day celebration with New Zealand / Aotearoa's inventive and accomplished sound artists and musicians championing the experimental and avant-garde in all its >>>


Canada - Toronto - various venues
until the 31/08/2012
Sound Travels Festival
An annual summer tradition of exploring the world of sound art through performances, installations, as well as the Toronto Electroacoustic Symposium and the Sound Travels Intensive workshops.


Austria - Innsbruck - Hungerburgbahn-Talstation
until the 29/07/2012
Rotate Festival
Festival for audio-visual art and music. Rotate Festival is located at a vacant complex in the centre of Innsbruck, Austria: A former home of a cyclorama painting entitled Rotunda and a vacant valley-station. The Festival is using the complex as a >>>


Austria - Nickelsdorf - Jazzgalerie Nickelsdorf
until the 22/07/2012
Konfrontationen 2012


Australia - Sydney - various venues
until the 29/07/2012
Time Machine
A Festival of Experimental Time-Based Art. Curated by Serial Space, the inaugural TIME MACHINE festival presents time-based art forms including performance, installation, workshops, talks, and experimental music. Time Machine showcases work by more >>>


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