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Italy - Palermo - Museo Internazionale delle Marionette Antonio Pasqualino
until the 03/04/2011
Yousif Jaralla narra le fantasmagorie dell'Aetnamico
United States - New York - various venues
until the 10/04/2011
Unsound Festival New York
Als Festival, das die Konzepte, Ideen und die Freude an kreativer Musik—von der Hochkultur bis hin zur Subkultur— in seiner Vielfalt feiert, hat sich das Unsound Festival als eine der originellsten und innovativsten Veranstaltungen Europas einem >>>
France - Paris - various venues
until the 09/04/2011
Némo 2011
Le Festival Némo est, depuis sa création, un moment de présentation des oeuvres coproduites par Arcadi. C’est un moyen supplémentaire pour ces projets de rencontrer un public, en plus des actions de l’établissement pour favoriser leurs diffusions le >>>
until the 31/05/2011
Roma Soundscape Project
Roma Soundscape Project is a thematic workshop finalized to build together a soundmap based on the sounds of the city of Rome (starting from "Pigneto" area)
Italy - Napoli – Avellino – Nola - various venues
until the 17/04/2011
Altera! 2011
This year, as always, Altera! guests a lot of musicians from all around Europe and involves several realities from Napoli, Nola and Avellino dealing from long time with auto-production and indipendent/non-conventional practices, for a really full >>>
Italy - Ravenna - Almagià (via dell’almagià, 2 – Ravenna)
until the 20/03/2011
Transmissions 2011
Con quattro giorni di festival fortemente incentrati sulla contemporaneità quasi in tempo reale di tutte le espressioni musicali nazionali e internazionali, “Transmissions – anno quattro” continua il percorso/processo di apertura verso i suoni >>>
Germany - Berlin - Ausland
until the 13/03/2011
Occulto Fest
Occulto Fest fuehrt Kuenstler und Musiker zusammen, die genau jene ungewoehnlichen, abseitigen und abwegigen Strategien der Materialsammlung und -verwendung verfolgen - seien es Klangaufnahmen, wissenschaftliche Daten, Programmiersprachen, Romane, >>>
Italy - Palermo - Zsa Zsa Mon Amour
until the 09/04/2011
Synth City Fest 2011
Synth City Fest 2011 nasce con l’obiettivo principale di promuovere artisti emergenti del panorama internazionale e producer già affermati che hanno suonato nei maggiori club di tutta Europa e di tutto il mondo.
Italy - Palermo - various venues
until the 12/06/2011
Curva Minore Contemporary Sounds 2011
Curva Minore Contemporary Sounds 2011, la Stagione diretta dal contrabbassista Lelio Giannetto, prevede un programma concertistico davvero ricco, accompagnato da laboratori, workshop, collaborazioni con scuole e altre istituzioni.
Italy - Pistoia - Pistoia
until the 24/03/2011
[xvr004] Adern X - Polaroid
Polaroid, the new album of Adern X, has been released.
Italy - Roma - Associazione Culturale TRAleVOLTE
until the 18/02/2011
Les reves poussent les voiles
Linda Maria Bongiovanni, pianista, compositrice ed autrice, diplomata al Conservatorio di Casablanca, musicoterapista, specializzata nell’area educativa-preventiva ripercorre con questo CD le tappe significative della sua vita in Marocco, alternando >>>
United Kingdom - London - Croydon Clocktower Arts Centre
until the 19/02/2011
Electronic Arts Revue
The Clock Tower, in London, is hosting a celebration of South London's electronica movement. Featuring lectures, workshops and live performances, it promises to be a dance-fest and a local history lesson both at the same time.
Italy - Ragusa - Circolo Arci Lebowski
until the 24/02/2011
Giacomo Sferlazzo e i figli di Abele - “Pensando a Caino Tour/ Io non pago il pizzo”
La nuova mini tournée di Giacomo Sferlazzo comincerà da Ragusa e sarà all’insegna delle sperimentazioni sonore, sulle canzoni del disco “Il figlio di Abele”, e della collaborazione con Addiopizzo per portare in Sicilia e Calabria una voce contro le >>>
Italy - Bologna - Fragilecontinuo
until the 17/02/2011
Holo Unplugged Laptop Enseble
Una performance di sound art a Fragilecontinuo
France - NANTES - Musée des beaux arts
until the 19/02/2011
Festival CABLE#4
Festival de musique expérimentale, noise, texte, performance, grindcore, improvisation, moving image, musique électroacoustique, turntablism, electronique, drone …
Japan - Fukuoka - various venues
until the 25/02/2011
Against 2011
Fourth annual Fukuoka Extreme Music Festival.
Italy - Bologna - Palazzo Re Enzo
until the 22/01/2011
Netmage 11
Appuntamento internazionale ormai consolidato dedicato agli incroci fra arti elettroniche, visive, musicali e performative, Netmage 11, curato da Xing, presenta un ricco programma di produzioni e progetti offrendo un variegato scenario sulla ricerca >>>
Norway - Oslo - Fabrikken
until the 16/01/2011
All Ears - Festival For Improvisert Musikk
All Ears is a annual festival for improvised music, held in Oslo, Norway, since 2002. The goal is to present improvised music in all it's forms, also incorporating other mediums like video and dance. all Ears is a non-profit festival by music >>>
Italy - Palermo - Museo delle Marionette Antonio Pasqualino Piazzetta Niscemi 5 (trav di Via Butera)
until the 17/12/2010
What's happening? NOCCI | GEIST | TETRAKTIS PROJECT -Weihnachtskonzert-
Intermediale Performances, eine Fusion zwischen elektronischer Musik, Video-Installationen und Percussion. Künstlerische Strategien, Traditionen und Feinheiten. Die Künstler verwenden hierzu eine große Bandbreite an Medien und Technologien und >>>
Italy - Pavia - fratto9 under the sky rec
until the 28/03/2011
OUT NOW: Aspec(t)
fratto9 under the sky records presents: Aspec(t) "Waspnest"
12" LP in a black bag, with external matt cover, inner page and download code
Released by Fratto9 UnderTheSky, Toxo Records, Viande
Italy - Palermo - Goethe Institut, Via Paolo Gili, 4
until the 13/12/2010
Frank Gratkowski / EU Connection - Musikalische Grenzbegegnungen
Das Projekt EU CONNECTION ist ein wahres Fest der Klänge. Mit der tatkräftigen Unterstützung der Botschaft des Königreichs der Niederlande, des Museo delle Marionette Antonio Pasqualino und der aus Catania stammenden Künstlergruppe canecapovolto >>>
Italy - Roma - Associazione Culturale TRAleVOLTE
until the 02/12/2010
Gianpaolo Ascolese. Batterista, percussionista, compositore inizia la sua attività di musicista da giovanissimo e da subito si impone come batterista. In in questa occasione verrà proiettato anche il video “Asco” di Andrea Piccardo e Antonio >>>
Italy - Naples - Cappella Pappagoda ORE 14,00
until the 02/12/2010
Minimalismo Americano
Dopo i concerti di giugno il Collettivo Neaphonis ritorna sulla scena in una fantastatica location istituzionale: la Cappella Pappagoda dell'Istituto Orientale di Napoli. Nonostante la guerra che la politica nazionale e locale sta facendo alla >>>
Italy - Faenza - various venues
until the 29/11/2010
MEI Meeting of independent labels - XIV Edition
MEI - Meeting of Independent labels - was born on November 27, 1997 and organized by Materiali Musicali. It is a 3-day-convention dedicated to the Italian independent music world which today gathers all the most important operators of the sector, a >>>
Italy - Palermo - Goethe Institut, Cantieri Culturali alla Zisa, Via Paolo Gili 4
until the 27/11/2010
Fabio Romano, Klavier Konzert im Rahmen der Reihe
Fabio Romano, Klavier
Konzert im Rahmen der Reihe "KlassiK"
Italy - Naples - Istituto Universitario Orientale, ore 14.00
until the 26/11/2010
Musica elettronica e tradizioni extraeuropee. Shur op. 15 (1968) di Alireza Mashayekhi
Nella ambito del ciclo di seminari "Musica Occidentale-Orientale" diretti dal Prof. Giovanni Laguardia all'Istituto Orientale di Napoli si terrà il seminario "Musica elettronica e tradizioni extraeuropee. Shur op. 15 (1968) di Alireza Mashayekhi" >>>
Italy - Lammari, (Lucca) - SPAM!
until the 14/11/2010
Starfuckers live @ Spam
Sinistri, formerly known as Starfuckers, is an experimental music unit with drums, electronics, guitar and sometimes vocals, based in Italy. Since their forming in the late 80's they've established a highly unique musical language based on nonmetric >>>
Italy - Bologna - Take Five
until the 20/11/2010
Bologna Jazz Festival-The italian Autumn Jazz Event
Bologna Jazz Festival takes place each year in November when, for more than a week, performances come one after the other from happy hour till the small hours, in theaters, pubs, clubs and restaurants of Bologna, Modena and Ferrara.
Italy - Palermo - Goethe Institut, Cantieri Culturali alla Zisa, Via Paolo Gili 4
until the 11/11/2010
Potsa Lotsa - Hommage an Eric Dolphy
Konzert in der Reihe German Jazz
Italy - torino - teatro carignano
until the 07/11/2010
Club To Club - X Superstition
After ten years of accurate programming and a consolidated attitude in experimenting, as showed by its increasing success in terms of attendance – over 20,000 people from all over Italy and Europe in 2009 – Club To Club is ready to celebrate an >>>
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