The Clock Tower, in London, is hosting a celebration of South London's electronica movement. Featuring lectures, workshops and live performances, it promises to be a dance-fest and a local history lesson both at the same time.
Two days of live performances, music/sound workshops and film screenings on the history and development of electronic music. Line-up includes Ann Shenton (DJ set), Autorotation, The Protagonist, The Pygmy Globetrotters and Barry 7 (DJ set). Workshops include The Human Tape (Worm) Machine workshop with Ann Shenton and A Canter Through The History Of Electronic Music with The Pony Harvest. Croydon Clocktower Arts Centre, 18–19 February, weekend tickets £14/£11 (day tickets available).
Electronic Arts Revue
La Clock Tower di Londra ospiterà una celebrazione del movimento di musica elettronica di South-London. Ci saranno lezioni, workshop e perfomance live, e promette di essere, allo stesso tempo, un festival di danza ed una lezione di storia locale.
Una due giorni di performance live, workshop sulla musica e sul suono, e video sulla storia e sullo sviluppo della musica elettronica. Per quanto riguarda le performance live la line-up include "Ann Shenton" (DJ set), "Autorotation", "The Protagonist", "The Pygmy Globetrotters" e "Barry 7" (DJ set). I Workshop includono "The Human Tape" (Worm) , "Machine workshop" con Ann Shenton e "A Canter Through The History Of Electronic Music" con The Pony Harvest.
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