he aims of the project lie in the reactivation/nurturing of a common feeling of belonging, and in the transmission of thoughts, opinions, memories, dreams and desires of the people of the two Cypruses independently of the official channels of >>>
The forum is organized in three main sessions and intends to answer some important questions: What are the limits of censorship? What does mean freedom of movement of stakeholders in the Euro-Mediterranean sphere (individual, collective and >>>
First Bill Owens solo exhibition in Paris, a new and unpublished work, that documents the rise of the campus protest movements in San Francisco in 1967/68. Bill Owens has always been involved in socio-anthropological aspects of the American culture >>>
Nell’ambito della Settimana dell'educazione allo sviluppo sostenibile, indetta dalla CNI UNESCO, aMAZElab propone due momenti di riflessione sul verde urbano e sulla salvaguardia della biodiversità.
Invited at the 10th International Photography Festival of Aleppo Claudia Zanfi and Gianmaria Conti will present A Ticket to Baghdad, an ongoing video and photographic project, conceived during a tour in the capital of Iraq, that investigates the >>>
Franziska & Lois Weinberger, "Fieldwork" - conference and video installation by Franziska & Lois Weinberger. Introduced by Claudia Zanfi. “The Names of Trees” is a week-long project-event, organised by the Cherimus Association, which aims to >>>
The event is to be considered a platform to reflect on contemporary social and territorial transformations, and it proposes an experience of great value opened to students and young artists in terms of sharing and knowledge.
Through the gaze of some of the key protagonists of international art, THE MIDDLE SEA. Sights and Sounds from the Mediterranean is a journey along the shores of the Mediterranean, the cities, the inhabitants, the territories and the relationships >>>
During the 2nd Athens Biennial, aMAZElab presents Going Public ‘08. Port City Safari, volume that documents the sixth edition of the Going Public project, a journey through some of the most important European and Mediterranean port >>>
During the 53rd Venice Art Biennial, aMAZElab presents The Mobile Garden, the first italian publication dedicated to the work of Lois Weinberger, protagonist with Franziska Weinberger of the Austrian Pavilion at the Venice Biennial.
Il progetto GIARDINI MOBILI di Lois e Franziska Weinberger esposto alla TRIENNALE di Milano è frutto di una serie di laboratori che si sono svolti durante la Primavera 2009, quale parte dell’evento Green Island, realizzato in via Pepe, retro della >>>
L’edizione 2009 si incentra su un progetto dedicato all’opera degli “artisti del verde” Lois & Franziska Weinberger (Vienna, Austria). Si tratta del primo progetto di arte pubblica che viene realizzato dai due artisti in Italia, già presenti a >>>
PORT CITY SAFARI is a journey through some of the main dock cities in Europe and around the Mediterranean, which take part in the initiative with a range of research, exhibition and seminar projects organised by local museum institutions, galleries >>>
Il progetto GREEN ISLAND è nato per promuovere un evento di approfondimento culturale sulle forme del contemporaneo, un dialogo tra il linguaggio fotografico, architettonico e di design. Nasce dalla necessità di dare una forte progettualità ad ogni >>>
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