Father is written in capital letter: Father. First of all, before killing him (poor thing...), we need him. I mean nowadays many aesthetic and cultural reference points are changing, and it's up to us, the thirty-year old generation who >>>
"Le corps fantasmé" significa el cuerpo fantaseado, fantasmeado. La idea de esta obra era presentar el cuerpo femenino transformado en los fantasmas de los roles que la sociedad trata de imponerle; lo que los >>>
"But you may ask: why the impossible? Because it is so. Because the human and social context in which we live seems full of endless possibilities and paths, just to give an example. Or because the human being – according to the power of >>>
My need to take care of civil theatre is primarily born from a need, as an individual, to tell about my land, what surrounds me. The meeting with Roberto Saviano was fundamental: my identity as a playwright is deeply rooted civil and human and >>>
Marta Cuscunà, actress native of Monfalcone, presented at the final of the award "Scenario per Ustica 2009", winning it, with her new project "E' bello vivere liberi!", about Ondina Peteani, a young dispatch rider of >>>
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