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Writing News - Festivals | by Cassandra Funsten in Writing News - Festivals on 20/03/2009- Comments (0)
Scenes from the 2008 Festival
PEN World Voices Festival 2009
The PEN World Voices festival of International Literature will bring together more than 160 writers from across the globe for an exciting week of cross-cultural literary exchange, April 27–May 3, 2009.
A stellar line-up of established and emerging authors will take the stage in venues across New York City to explore the theme of Evolution/Revolution through conversations, panels, readings and performances. Chaired by Salman Rushdie and now celebrating its fifth anniversary, the festival has featured such luminaries as Umberto Eco, Nadine Gordimer, Nuruddin Farah, Neil Gaiman, Etgar Keret, Ian McEwan, Toni Morrison, Orhan Pamuk, Zadie Smith, Wole Soyinka, Mario Vargas Llosa, and Jeannette Winterson, to name just a few.
PEN World Voices Festival 2009
Il PEN World Voices Festival 2009 vedrà come protagonisti oltre 160 scrittori provenienti da ogni angolo del mondo riuniti in una settimana di entusiasmanti scambi letterari e culturali.
Numerosissimi autori emergenti tratteranno il tema “Evoluzione/Rivoluzione” attraverso letture, conversazioni, performances e dibattiti che avranno luogo in tutta la città di New York. Diretto da Salman Rushdie, il PEN Festiaval, ora alla sua Quinta edizione, ha vantato negli anni scorsi partecipanti del calibro di Umberto Eco, Nadine Gordimer, Nuruddin Farah, Neil Gaiman, Etgar Keret, Ian McEwan, Toni Morrison, Orhan Pamuk, Zadie Smith, Wole Soyinka, Mario Vargas Llosa, e Jeannette Winterson, per citarne solo alcuni. Quest’anno tra gli scrittori italiani sono stati confermati Antonio Tabucchi e Domenico Starnone.
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PERIOD: from 27/04/2009 to 03/05/2009
CITY: New York
NATION: United States
VENUE: PEN American Center
ADDRESS: PEN American Center 588 Broadway, Suite 303
TELEPHONE: +1 (212) 334-1660
FAX: +1 (212) 334-2181
INSERTED BY: Cassandra Funsten

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