Nomas Foundation in collaboration with Teatro Valle Occupato closes A Theatre Cycle, a cycle of events focusing on theatre, with Common Archive School, a workshop by Marinella Senatore, which follows Cantiere Comune di Immaginario Politico, a performance-event conducted by the artists Marzia Migliora and Luigi Coppola.
Common Archive School is a branch of The School of Narrative Dance a nomadic school, proposing a didactic system based on emancipation, inclusion, self-education, that aims at rethinking social structures and organization, founded by Marinella Senatore in 2013. The school is based on storytelling and is rooted in a variety of languages, from cinema to performance, stage techniques, poetry, oral history, and offers the occasion to its participants and communities to share individual skills and acquire new knowledge. The School of Narrative Dance involves activists, academics, workers associations, teachers and whoever is interested, in the attempt to foster education, sustainability, and the transmission of practical knowledge.
Common Archive School will involve external tutors as well as professionals formed in the course of the educational programme of Teatro Valle Occupato and aims at creating an archive of collective memories, shared narratives and stories.