Coarse and edgy. The second part of the sound research of Rosati developed in "Fields II", leaves the heart deeply flayed with games of frequencies, saturated with love and rebellion.
New Release - Franz Rosati - Fields II [bru_LP_18]
Coarse and edgy. The second part of the sound research of Rosati developed in "Fields II", leaves the heart deeply flayed with games of frequencies, saturated with love and rebellion. Enter in mind with the violence of expressivity and composition that characterizes the Roman artist, vacating the hearing through a sort of "ear cleaning" process, that opens the mind and leads to a meditative listening.
Franz Rosati is a sound and media artist, focusing his research on real-time A/V, Visual Music projects and installations following an aesthetic idea based on discontinuity of aural and visual patterns avoiding any kind of repetition through the use of chaos mathematics, generative and stochastic processes. He uses his own custom made software for real-time micro-montage and sound elaboration in the microscopic time scale to realize compositions and performances based on aural and visual matter’s costant metamorphosis. During the years, Franz Rosati has played in a large number of electroacoustic projects such as Franco Ferguson improvisors collective, Meccanica Ferma, Solderwire, GRIDSHAPE, developing his own approach to electroacoustic improvisation. In 2007 founded Nephogram [contemporary documents] collectives with Stefano Pala a.k.a. UKQWJB. He also teaches MaxMSP/Jitter for sound design, interactivity and multimedia, focusing in computer vision techniques in several Workshops and Art/Design Institutes, and developed Interactive Examples for Electronic Music and Sound Design, a book about sound theory and practice in MaxMSP.
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Franz Rosati - Fields II
Ruvida e tagliente la seconda parte della ricerca sonora di Rosati svolta in “Fields II”, lascia il cuore profondamente scorticato da giochi di frequenze, sature di amore e ribellione.
Nuova Uscita - Franz Rosati - Fields II [bru_LP_18]
Ruvida e tagliente la seconda parte della ricerca sonora di Rosati svolta in “Fields II”, lascia il cuore profondamente scorticato da giochi di frequenze, sature di amore e ribellione. Entra nella mente con la solita violenza espressiva e compositiva che caratterizza l’artista romano, liberando l’udito con un vero e proprio processo di “ear clearing”, che apre la mente e spinge ad un ascolto meditativo.
Franz Rosati, Sound-artist, musicista elettroacustico e programmatore multimediale residente a Roma, realizza performance audiovisive, installazioni interattive e software per scopi didattici come gli esempi interattivi per il libro Electronic Music & Sound Design. Principalmente interessato ad un’estetica che rappresenti la discontinuità e l’organicità di processi non lineari e caotici, sviluppa il software necessario per la propria produzione musicale e visuale. Con questa idea porta avanti da anni diversi progetti in solo e con strumentisti di differenti estrazioni musicali quali GRIDSHAPE e il collettivo Franco Ferguson. Ha aperto concerti per musicisti di spicco nel panorama internazionale quali Pan Sonic e Frank Bretschneider (Raster-Noton). E’ fondatore dell’etichetta Nephogram ed attualmente docente di Sound e Media Design presso lo IED di Roma.
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