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Writing News - (Other) | by SuccoAcido writing in Writing News - (Other) on 08/02/2011- Comments (0)
Jerusalem International Book Fair
The International Book Fair in Jerusalem has been held biennially since 1963 and is considered one of the leading book fairs in the world.
First held in 1963, THE JERUSALEM INTERNATIONAL BOOK FAIR [JIBF] is a unique biennial event which draws over 1200 publishers from more that 40 countries who display more than 100,000 books in different languages.
One of the JIBF’s innovations inaugurated in 1985 is its unique Editorial Fellowship Program which invites a group of young promising and talented editors to attend the Fair to meet and exchange ideas with their contemporaries. This program has become one of JIBF’s strongest attractions and its members have forged professional relationships and personal friendships that have lasted through the years. In the light of the success of this program, JIBF has launched a parallel fellowship program for Literary Agents.
The Jerusalem Prize, Israel’s highest literary honor for foreign writers, will be awarded this year to the English author Ian McEwan in a ceremony that will take place on February 20th, the opening evening of the Jerusalem International Book Fair.
The Jerusalem Prize is awarded biennially to a writer whose work best expresses and promotes the idea of ‘‘freedom of the individual in society.’’ The theme was chosen both for its wider international appeal and for its internal Israeli resonance. The modest monetary value of the Prize, currently US $10,000, reflects that it was never intended to be anything more than a symbolic sum.

Fair Program
Entrance to the Fair and its events is open to the public, free of charge, unless stated otherwise. Based on space available, seating limited. The Fair program is a subject to changes.

Sunday, 20.02.2011
18.00 – 19:00
Opening ceremony and Jerusalem Prize Award (ICC Jerusalem International Convention Center). In the presence of Mr. Shimon Peres, President of the State of Israel, Ms. Limor Livnat, Minister of Culture and Sport, Mr. Nir Barkat, Mayor of Jerusalem and Mr. Ian McEwan, the Prize Laureate. Invitations only
19:30 – 20:30
Opening of Russian national stand and photo exhibition by Russian publication The Russky Reporter. Standing reception. Invitations only
19:45 - 21:00
Exhibition Opening: “Contradictions” – 60 Years Peace Prize of the German Book Trade. Keynote: Ambassador Dr. Dr. h.c. Harald Kindermann (Germany), David Grossmann (Israel), Martin Schult, Anne Birkenhauer (both Germany). Moderator Inge Günther, FR (Germany). English. Foyer Teddy Hall
Reception for the fair guests (Crowne Plaza Hotel). Invitations only

Monday, 21.02.2011 – Thursday, 24.02.2011; 11:00 – 22:00
Literary Café – encounters of Israeli and foreign writers. The Literary Café is designed as an actual coffee shop; it works everyday at the Fair. We bring together guest writers from the different countries and Israeli literary figures for a discussion or an interview.
German Exhibition: “Contradictions” – 60 Years Peace Prize of the German Book Trade.
German Publishers and Booksellers Association in cooperation with Goethe Institut Jerusalem and Frankfurt Book Fair. Foyer Teddy Hall
Israeli Exhibition: Signed Manuscripts: Nadav Bloch and Nechama Levendel, Glass Hall
Wednesday, 23.02.2011; 09:30 – 13.00 Librarian Day Organized by Ministry of Culture and Sport, Cultural Directorate – Libraries Department, in association with the Israeli Center for Libraries. (Dulzin Hall A)
Wednesday, 23.02.2011; 12:00 – 19:00 Momedia, organized by CET (Centre for Educational Technology in Israel) and the Stiftung Lesen (Germany). (Dulzin Hall B)
Monday, 21.02.2011 – Thursday, 24.02.2011;
16:00 (17:00) 18:00 Children’s World – Story readings, Encounters with writers, Hebrew.
Organized by the Department of Libraries at the Cultural Section of the Jerusalem Municipality.

Monday, 21.02.2011
“Does Today Literature Have Enough Imagination? A Challenge by Eugene Ionesco”. Open Conversation with Prof. Solomon Marcus (Romania) English. Literary Café
12:30 – 13:30
“Aharon Appelfeld as a Postmodern Writer”. The writer and researcher Dr. Ketzia Alon (Israel) meets the writer Aharon Appelfeld (Israel). Hebrew. Literary Café
13:30 - 15:00
Open Lecture on Russian literature “Literary Criticism Project 100 Poets”. Moderator Dmitry Bak (Russia). Russian (with parallel English translation). Russian stand
15:00 – 15:45
“Intimate Conversation”. Prof. Michael P. Kramer (Israel) meets the writer Robert Cohen (USA) English. Literary Café
15:00 – 15:30
Contemporary Romanian Theatre: “Stop the Tempo!” by Gianina Cărbunariu. A dramatic reading by students of the Romanian language course at the Romanian Cultural Institute in Tel Aviv and other volunteers (Israel). Moderator: Gabriela Ştefan (Romania). Hebrew. Teddy Hall D
15:30 – 16:30
Reading from the volume Reverse Counting, Vremea P.H., Bucharest, 2010. Madelaine Davidsohn (Romania/Israel) Moderator: Ioan Ştiubea-journalist (Israel), Ana Andreescu (Romania). Romanian, Hebrew. Romanian stand
16:00 – 16:45
“The Prisoner of Tehran” – A Personal and Feminine Story. The film director Anat Zuria (“Tehora”, “Mekudeshet”) meets the writer Marina Nemat (Canada) about her book “The Prisoner of Tehran”. English. Literary Café
16:00 - 17:00
Story reading with Gali Segev (Israel). Hebrew. Ages: from 4 to 7. Children’s World.
16:30 – 17:30
Presentation of the volume “Hebrew Fairy Tales Anthology”, edited by CNI Coresi, Bucharest 2010 Moderator: Laura Maria Albani (Romania). Romanian, English Romanian stand
17:00 – 18:00
“Greetings and Kisses to All” - The story of Anne Frank’s family. With the writer Mirjam Pressler (Germany) and Buddy and Gerti Elias (Switzerland, Anne Frank’s cousin). German/ Hebrew simultaneous translation. Literary Café
Encounters with famous teenager writer – Leat Rotner (Israel). Hebrew. Ages: from 10 to 15. Children’s World
17:00 - 19:00
“Leaders of the Yishuv during the Shoah”. Prof. Dan Laor, “Natan Alterman and the Shoah”, Prof. Aviva Halamish, “Meir Ya’ari and the Shoah”, Prof. Dina Porat, Session Chair, “David Ben-Gurion and the Shoah”. Hebrew. Teddy Hall D.
17:30 - 18:30
“Friend of Jerusalem Award” to Deborah Harris (Israel) and Michael Krueger (Germany). English and Hebrew. The Jerusalem Municipality. Invitations only.
17:30 – 18:30
Open conversation “Il futuro del libro”. Angelo Pezzana (Italy). Italian. Italian stand
17.30 - 18.30
Meeting with Galila Ron-Feder. Moderator: Modan Publishing. Hebrew. Tzomet-Sfarim Stand
18:00 - 19:00
“You’ll Like Germany”. Autobiography by Rafael Seligmann. Rafael Seligmann (Germany). Moderator René Strien, Aufbau Verlag (Germany). German. Foyer Teddy Hall
18.15 – 19.15
“History and Reality”. The writer Nir Baram (Israel) about his book “Good People” and the writer Andrzej Bart (Poland) about his book “Fly’s Factory”. Moderator: the writer Sarah Blau. Polish and Hebrew translation. Literary Café
18: 30 – 19.15
Reading French authors: a workshop created by “Vice Versa bookshop” (Atelier de lecture à voix haute). Danièle Kriegel and her class (all France-Israel). French. French stand
19.30 – 20.30.
“First novel but not at all first book: Laurent Cohen’s book : SOL – Actes Sud publisher”. Laurent Cohen (France-Israël). French. French stand
19.30 – 20.30
“A Real Fiction – Writing on Crime and Criminals in Italy and Israel”. The writer Liad Shoham (Israel) meets the writers Gianrico Carofiglio and Carlo Lucarelli (Italy). Moderator: Dr. Claudia Rosenzweig. English. Literary Café
19:30 - 21:00
“Shem’s Language in Yaakov’s Tents”- Jewish classical texts in Russian translations. Andrew Grafov (Russia), Meir Levinov, Shlomo Krol, Uri Kamyshov, Yaakov Sinichkin, Dov Kontorer, Menachem Yaglom, Michael Yakhilevich (all Israel). Moderator: Boruch Gorin (Russia). Russian. Teddy Hall D
21.00 – 22.00
“The Day Before Happiness”. The writer Erri De Luca (Italy) meets his friend the chef Rafi Adar (Israel) about his book "The Day Before Happiness"; and about love, music & Napoli. Italian and Hebrew. Literary Café

Tuesday, 22.02.2011
10:00 - 12:00
Galaade Editions and ITHl present: Sisters, not enemies: Telling the story of Jews and Arabs in Israel in another voice. Conversation between Annette Levy-Willard and Avirama Golan, author of Lettres à ma soe ur palestinienne (Galaade É ditions, Paris, France, to be published in April 2011). Avirama Golan (Israel). Moderator: Annette Levy-Willard (France). English. Teddy Hall D
10:00 - 12:30
Symposium on E-Publishing and its Cultural Aspects. In cooperation with Publishers Association of Israel. Sponsored by Verlagsgruppe Georg von Holtzbrinck. With special thanks to Dr. Yossi Vardi and Prof. Yoav Yair.
Panel I: “The Digital Age – A New Definition of Publishing?”
Santiago de la Mora (UK), Steven Greenberg (USA) and Guy Rolnik (Israel). Moderator: Dr. Yossi Vardi (Israel). English. Dulzin Hall A
Panel II: “Education in a Digital World”
Laurie Racine (USA), Dr. Yosi Ben-Dov (Israel), Shai Reshef (Israel), Gila Ben-Har (Israel). Moderator: Prof. Yoav Yair (Israel). English. Dulzin Hall A
“A Dark Chapter – An Enlightened Literature”. The writers Filip Florian (Romania),Tomas Zmeskal (Czech Republic) and Petra Hulova (Czech Republic). Moderator: Noa Manheim (Israel). English. Literary Café
12:15 – 13:15
“On the Book Shelf between Torino and Jerusalem”. The writer David Eherlich (Israel) meets the writer Angelo Pezzana (Italy). English. Literary Café
14:00 – 15:00
“Russky Reporter” - Photography and Events Structure. Workshop. Moderators: Vitaly Leibin, Editor in Chief of magazine "Russian Reporter" (Russia) and the writer, journalist, essayist and translator Linor Goralik (Russia, Israel) English. Literary Café
14:00 - 17:00
General Assembly, Book Publishers Association of Israel. Hebrew. Dulzin Hall A
15:00 - 16:30
Presentation of the new book “Replaced Windows” by Inna Lisnyanskaya. Russian. Russian stand
16:00 – 17:00
Book Presentation: The Teilachers. Michel Bergmann (Germany). Moderator: Nikolaus Hansen. German. Foyer Teddy Hall
16:00 – 17:00
“Half Brother”. The writer Amichai Shalev (Israel) meets the writer Lars Saabye Christensen (Norway), about his book "Half Brother" and contemporary literature in Scandinavia. English. Literary Café
Book signing: Lars Saabye Christensen (Norway). English. Tzomet-Sfarim Stand
17:00 - 18:00
Publisher’s Stories: Dr. Susanne Schüssler (Wagenbach Publisher), Antje Kunstmann (Publisher), Dr. Thomas Sparr (Suhrkamp), René Strien (Aufbau), Nikolaus Hansen, Arche (all Germany), Avram Kantor (Hakibbutz Hameuchad-Sifriat Poalim, Israel), Israel Carmel (Publisher, Israel). Moderator: Stefan Weidle - The Kurt Wolff Foundation (Germany). English. Foyer Teddy Hall
17.00 – 18.00
“Shalev & Abulafia Create Books for Children (and their parents)”. Meir Shalev (Israel) speaks about children’s books with his partner the illustrator Yossi Abulafia (Israel). Hebrew. Literary Café
Encounters with famous comics illustrator - Uri Fink (Israel). Hebrew. Ages: from 6 to 26. Children’s World
17:00 – 19:00
Symposium on Conflict Resolution: Politics & Literary Representation.
Sponsored by Verlagsgruppe Georg von Holtzbrinck.
With special thanks to Prof. Shlomo Avineri.
Dubravka Ugresic (Croatia/ Netherlands), Victor Erofeyev (Russia), László Garaczi (Hungary), Adam Michnik (Poland), Enrique Krauze (Mexico), Prof. Fania Oz-Salzberger (Israel). Moderator: Prof. Shlomo Avineri (Israel). English. Dulzin Hall B
17.00 – 18.00
“Famous French writer Pierre Assouline presents: VIES DE JOB, his new book – Gallimard publishing”. Pierre Assouline (France), Moderator: Roselyne Dery (Israel/France). French. French Stand
18.00 – 19.00
“A new publication in French of Israeli writer Mira Maguen: L’avenir nous le dira, Anna – Mercure de France publisher”. Mira Maguen (France), Roselyne Dé ry (Israel). Hebrew – French. French Stand
18:00 – 19:00
Open Conversation. Gianrico Carofiglio (Italy). Italian stand
18:30 – 19:30
“Franz Kafka and the Unexpected Reader”. Prof. Galili Shahar (Israel) meets Prof. Dr. Klaus Wagenbach (Germany). English. Literary Café
19.00 - 20.00
Launch - Yehuda Berg’s new book in Hebrew. Yehuda Berg (USA). Moderator: Zeev Zoberman - The Kabbalah Center TLV (Israel). English/Hebrew. Tzomet-Sfarim Stand
19.00 – 19.30
Signature: Pierre Assouline : Vies de Job - Gallimard publishing; Michal Govrin: Sur le vif – Sabine Wespieser publisher. French Stand
19:30 - 20:30
Book Presentation: Berthold Beitz – The Biography. Keynote by Ambassador Dr. Dr. h.c.
Harald Kindermann. Joachim Käppner (Author, Germany), Irena Steinfeldt (Dept. Righteous Among the Nations, Yad Vashem, Israel), Moderator: Elisabeth Ruge (Berlin Verlag, Germany). English. Foyer Teddy Hall
19:30 - 21:00
Round Table - Focus on Issues of Modern Literature. Lyudmila Ulitskaya (Russia), Meir Shalev, Etgar Keret (both Israel). Moderator: Linor Goralik (Israel). Hebrew, Russian (with parallel English translation). Dulzin Hall A
19.30 – 21.30
“100 Candles for GALLIMARD Publisher”. Antoine Gallimard (France), Pierre Assouline (France), Jean Mattern (France), Maylis de Kerangal (France), Amos Oz, Zeruya Shalev, Alona Kimhi, Zev Birger (all Israel). French – Hebrew. Teddy Hall D
20:00 – 21:00
“Conversation for Two”. The Jerusalem Prize winner, the writer Ian McEwan (UK) meets the writer Meir Shalev (Israel). English. Literary Café
21:15 – 22:00
“Two Languages, Two Stories”. The writer and editor Dror Mishani (Israel) meets the writer Sayed Kashua (Israel). Hebrew. Literary Café

Wednesday, 23.02.2011
09:30 – 13.00
Librarian Day. Organized by Ministry of Culture and Sport, Cultural Directorate – Libraries Department, in association with the Israeli Center for Libraries. Dulzin Hall A
11.00 - 12.00
“Czesław Miłosz and Abraham Sutzkever: Two Poets of the Lost Vilnius”. Poet, essayist and editor Krzysztof Czyżewsky (Poland) meets Prof. David G. Roskies (Israel). Moderator: Literary critic and translator Dr. Mindaugas Kvietkauskas (Lithuania).
12:00 – 19:00
Momedia, organized by CET (Centre for Educational Technology in Israel) and the Stiftung Lesen (Germany). Dulzin Hall B
12.30 – 13.30
“On Grand Russian Literature”. The writer David Marakish (Israel) meets the writer Victor Erofeyev (Russia). Russian and Hebrew. Literary Café
15:00 - 15:30
Literary Landscapes I: Poetry from Jerusalem. Lyris Kreis Jerusalem (rainStein, Germany). German. Foyer Teddy Hall
15:30 - 16:15
Literary Landscapes II: Poetry from Bukovina& Bratislava. Tuvia Rübner, Ilana Shmueli, Manfred Winkler (all Israel). Moderator: Frank Schablewski (Germany). German. Foyer Teddy Hall
16:00 – 17:00
“The Imaginary Jew”. Prof. Moshe Idel (Israel) meets Prof. Andrei Oişteanu (Romania). English. Literary Café
16:15 – 17:00
Literary Landscapes III: Poetry from Berlin. Jan Wagner (Berlin, Germany). Moderator: Lorenz Wesemann (Germany). German. Foyer Teddy Hall
17:00 – 18:00
“Longing, Memory and Home”. The writer Alex Epstein (Israel) meets the writer Jenny Erpenbeck (Germany). Moderator: Shiri Lev-Ari (Israel). English. Literary Café
17:00 – 18:30
Book launch – Shvo 22-23 ; Poetry Magazine with Poets of Even Hoshen Press and Guest (Israel). Moderator: Uzi Agassi (Israel). Hebrew. Teddy D Hall
Tzomet-Sfarim welcomes Ronny Someck (Israel). Hebrew. Tzomet-Sfarim Stand
18.00 – 19.00
“Berliner Runde”. The artist Claire Waffel (Berlin), the writer Jenny Erpenbeck (Berlin), the writer and publisher Prof. Dr. Klaus Wagenbach (Berlin), the poet Jan Wagner (Berlin), the writer Arye Shalicar (Berlin/Jerusalem), Prof. Fania Oz-Salzberger (Israel), Ambassador Dr.
Dr. h.c. Harald Kindermann (Germany). Moderator: Thomas Sparr (Germany). English.
Literary Café
18:00 - 19:00
Authors’ Book Signing, Svetlana Shenbrunn, Yulia Viner, Daniel Kluger. Russian stand
18:00 – 19:00
Presentation of the book: Un giorno perfetto. Melania Mazzucco (Italy). Italian. Italian Stand
18:00 – 18:45
Reading from the volume “Motley”, Paralela 45, Pitesti, Romania, 2010 Riri Manor-writer, author of the book (Romania/Israel). Moderator: Zoltan Terner (Israel), Ana Andreescu (Romania). Romanian, English and Hebrew. Romanian stand
18:45 – 19:30
Reading from the volume “A man from the East”, Tractus Arte p.h., Bucharest, 2010. Ioan Grosan-writer, author of the book (Romania) Moderator: Zoltan Terner (Israel), Ana Andreescu (Romania). Romanian, English and Hebrew. Romanian stand
19.00 – 19.45
“Passion for Life – Passion for Death”. The writer Yoram Meltzer (Israel) meets the writers Jesus Ferrero and Fernando Iwasaki (Spain). English. Literary Café
19.00 – 20.30
“Writers from Israel – abroad frontiers. Launching of new Israeli books published in France of Benny Barbash and Yehoshua Kenaz”. Benny Barbash (Israel) and “association of Israeli writers in French language”. French – Hebrew. French Stand
19:30 – 20:30
Meeting Michael Krueger, 2011 Friend of Jerusalem Awardee (Author, Poet, Publisher - Hanser, Germany). German. Foyer Teddy Hall
19:30 - 21:00
Wonders, miracles and the art of Jewish tales (following in the footsteps of the book “In Praise of Besht” and the anthology “Stories about Baal Shem Tov” by Shai Agnon). Michael Weisskopf, Sergey Goizman, Michael Kravtsov, Dinah Rubina (all Israel). Moderator: Menachem Yaglom (Israel). Russian. Teddy Hall D
20.30 – 21.00
Signature: Benny Barbash : Little big bang - Zulma publishing. French Stand
20:30 - 21:30
“Conversation for Two”. The writer Prof. Umberto Eco (Italy) meets the writer A.B. Joshua (Israel). English. Literary Café

Thursday, 24.02.2011
11.00 – 11.45
Oren Nahari (Israel) meets the writer Guy-Philippe Goldstein (France) about his book “Babel Minute Zéro”. English. Literary Café
12.00 – 12:45
“A Personal Japan”. Oren Nahari (Israel) meets Prof. Ben-Ami Shiloni (Israel) about his latest book. Hebrew. Literary Café
13:00 - 13:30
“Language, Ritual and Poetics in Ancient India”. Dr. Yohanan Grinshpon (Isarel) meets Prof. David Shulman (Israel) about his latest book. Hebrew. Literary Café
13:00 – 14:30
Debate on the book “Narcotics in Romanian Culture. History, Religion and Literature”. Andrei Oisteanu (Romania). Moderator: Gina Pana (Romania). Romanian. Romanian stand
15:00 - 17:00
Authors’ Book Signing, Olesya Nikolayeva, Jleg Chukhontsev, Maxim Amelin, Dmitry Bak. Russian stand
16:00 – 17:00
“What’s Left?”. The researcher Bilha Ben Eliyahu (Israel) meets the writer Eli Amir (Israel) about his latest book. Hebrew. Literary Café
17.00 – 18.00
“The Changing Jewish Kitchen - Is Jewish food still Jewish food and what is it?”
Joan Nathan (USA), Gil Hovav (Israel), Israel Aharoni (Israel). Moderator: Mark Furstenberg (USA). English. Literary Café
17:00 - 18:00
Tell it to me! Vanessa Fogel (Israel/Germany). Moderator: Nadine Meyer. German.
Foyer Teddy Hall
Encounters with very famous children writer – Smadar Shir (Israel). Hebrew.
Ages: from 6 to 9. Children’s World
17:30 – 18:30
Open Conversation, Sveva Casati Modignani (Italy). Italian stand
18:00 – 19:00
“Secrets & Lies”. Writers Moshe Sakal (Israel), Sami Bardugo (Israel) and Almog Behar (Israel). Moderator: Dror Mishani (Israel). Hebrew. Literary Café
18.00 – 19.00
“Launching of last book of the French writer Jean Mattern : De lait et de miel – Sabine Wespiser publishing”. Jean Mattern (France), Roselyne Dé ry (France-Israel). French. French stand
19:00 – 19.30
Signature: Jean-Christophe Rufin : Katiba – Flammarion publishing. French Stand
19:00 - 19:45
Contemporary Romanian Theatre: “Aliens with Extraordinary Skills” by Saviana Stănescu. A dramatic reading by students of the Romanian language course at the Romanian Cultural Institute in Tel Aviv (Israel) and other volunteers (Israel). Moderator: Gabriela Ştefan (Romania). Hebrew. Teddy Hall D
19.15 - 20.00
“Lashon Hakodesh – Foreign Language?”. Avraham Burg (Israel) meets the writer Haim Beer (Israel). Hebrew. Literary Café
20.30 – 21.30
“The Sun King”. The Knesset Member Daniel Ben-Simon (Israel) meets Jean-Christophe Rufin (France) - writer, doctor and the president of Action Against Hunger and one of the founders of Mé decins Sans Frontières. French and Hebrew. Literary Café
Tzomet-Sfarim welcomes Avraham Burg (Israel). Hebrew/English. Tzomet-Sfarim Stand
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PERIOD: from 20/02/2011 to 25/02/2011
CITY: Jerusalem 91007
NATION: Israel
VENUE: ICC Jerusalem International Convention Center
ADDRESS: P.O. Box 775
TELEPHONE: 972 2 629 6415
FAX: 972 2 6240663
INSERTED BY: SuccoAcido writing
Ian McEwan

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