transacoustic research is ear training arts/sciences and auditory phenomenology. it explores the borders between acoustics and their tangential realms: science and art, everyday life and research, sound and noise, tone and light, acoustic and other modes of perception.
transacoustic research publishes sound/image/information that differs from ordinary (electronic) media by concept or sound. transacoustic research is not just another label for experimental electronic music but rather concentrates on new ideas and independent acoustic creations.
institute for transacoustic research artists:
the first vienna vegetable orchestra,
jörg piringer,
nikolaus gansterer,
ulrich troyer,
fax mattinger,
sergej mohntau,
boris hauf,
paul divjak,
various artists - elffriede: soundrawing.
ulrich troyer - sehen mit ohren / seeing with ears.
Galleries/Labels/Dance or Theatrical Companies/Publishers:
Listening to now:
demo policy
we are of course very much interested in new sounds and ideas. but as well as most of the other small labels we cannot offer very much. however we will listen to your recordings and tell you what we think. but (again) don’t expect a quick answer. please send only cd-r, vinyl or mini-disc. please don’t send tapes or mp3s.
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in the next days...
Please be patience.
It will be available as soon as possibile, thanks.
De Dieux /\ SuccoAcido